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Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto Layout - Wed Oct 04, 2023 12:30 am

The layout for Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto is now up!

I wasn't planning on making an entire layout and was just going to change out the banners, but the MV inspired me and I ended up putting together this new layout in a few hours haha. Enjoy!

SCANDAL's Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto Lyrics Essays

#1 - MAMI's "Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto" Lyrics Essay

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 F46-MUilas-AA6k-TT

I don't know what life has in store for me - I can't die yet

On Oct. 4, 2023, SCANDAL will release their new single Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto (We're Always in the Highlights)! The title track, "Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto," features lyrics and music by MAMI. It includes the band's wish that the moments spent with their listeners will be the highlights of their lives, past and future, and their determination to carry both their past and future on their shoulders as a band that has been going for 17 years. Additionally, the B-side track is a new song called "CANDY," with lyrics and music by TOMOMI.

A lyrics essay by SCANDAL will be posted for two consecutive weeks! This is the first one, written by MAMI. She revealed her thoughts on the title track "Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto." Please enjoy this essay along with the song.

On August 21 of this year, we as SCANDAL celebrated our 17th anniversary, and also set the Guinness World Record for the "Longest-running rock band with the same musicians (female)."

We had been joking and talking about setting this record for several years prior, but now it's become a reality. I never thought that I would be a Guinness World Record holder, so it's been a bit of a surprise, but I'm grateful every day to everyone who's been a part of everything and to all the fans who have supported us.

In the midst of taking on this challenge, we contracted COVID on our North American tour last year and had to cancel performances on the tour, and recuperate at a hotel overseas. That was the first time in my life that I seriously thought, "I don't know what life has in store for me - I can't die yet."

After that incident, we learned how we feel about our activities; what kind of determination we have when we play music; and our resolve for the past 17 years, which were not smooth sailing by any means. We then wrote "Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto," a song that celebrates the past 17 years and our determination for the future, accepting once again that every moment and every event has certainly been a highlight of the band SCANDAL.

There are many things in life that are painful, hard, and infuriating, but these are emotions that you can only feel when you're alive. Every event, including things that make you happy or joyful, is the highlight of each person's life until the end of their life, and I hope that everyone listens to this work thinking so.

There are all sorts of protagonists in dramas, movies, anime, and manga. That one certain scene that makes you go, "If it wasn't for that scene, no matter if it was for bad or good, the plot wouldn't be what it is now!" is what I think we're in the middle of experiencing (by thinking like this, I can calm down a little even if I'm furious, haha).

It's rare to not have a single thing happen to you until you die, so no matter what happens, let's live each day as if it's a highlight!

*The lyrics to "Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto" can be found here:

If you enjoy my translations, please consider leaving a tip! Happy

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 FdtTi4P

#front-page #highlight

Column - 2023-10-02 (RINA) - Mon Oct 02, 2023 9:22 pm


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 B1kmKpP

The movie column that I write for
On Movie Natalie

Has a new article up☺

This time, I wrote about a film that I watched recently at the theaters.

So far I had been writing these columns
While rewatching the movies I picked out,
But it was also fun to write from memory!

Next month will mark the second anniversary of this series,
In which I discuss horror films in a relay format.
I've written about all kinds of movies.
Whenever I watch a scary movie,
The first thing I think about is this column! haha
Like, "Should I write about this next〜?"

I know this is a genre that many people don't like,
(Even I can't really watch ghost-related ones)
But out of the movies that I write about,
I think there are a lot
That won't make you scared to spend the night all alone! (Probably)

Also, the articles aren't written in a scary way! haha
I try to keep that in mind!
There are many interesting movies
That I'm glad I watched,
So if anyone's interested,
Please enjoy watching them along with my column☺


2023-10-02 01:04:28

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Column - 2023-10-02 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 655
SCANDAL is an energy vampire and a very lucky band!?

Season 2, Episode 24 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 D99JeYf

HARUNA: On October 4, SCANDAL, will release our new song "Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto"! To celebrate the release of this new song, we've established a segment called "Arubaito no Naka de Bokura Zutto" ("We're Always in the Part-Time Jobs")! We're taking stories about your part-time jobs! We've already received a lot of them!

RINA: I'm looking forward to it!

TOMOMI: I'm curiousー!

HARUNA: TOMO and RINA have no part-time job experience.

RINA: Yes, we'll be learning about the real world.

HARUNA: Well then, let's get to reading lots of them.


Hello, SCANDAL. I had a part-time job when I was a college student, but my parents forbade me from working in restaurants that handle alcohol or after 9:00 pm, so I worked at convenience stores and supermarkets, which is not particularly unusual...

But in May of my freshman year, I started working part-time at a convenience store on the first floor of the building where I lived. In July of my sophomore year, the convenience store closed, so in August I started a part-time job as a cashier at a supermarket a 20-minute walk away. I was surprised that the supermarket closed in September of my junior year, so I started working at a newly opened supermarket at the same location from October until November of my senior year. I had to witness the closing of two stores in about three and a half years.

I sent in this message because I thought this was a very unique experience. I didn't make a lot of money, but I was able to go to SCANDAL's concerts thanks to my part-time jobs, so I am glad that I was able to continue working until my graduation thesis and national exam.

RINA: That's crazy. Good work. I can't believe they were able to come to our concerts with the money they worked so hard to earn...

HARUNA: We're really grateful...

TOMOMI: But you know, all the stores we used to go to in our indie-label days closed down, right?

HARUNA: Yeah, they did!

RINA: The curry shop, and what else?

TOMOMI: Daiei [shopping mall], too...

MAMI: That's right!

RINA: The closing of Daiei was a big deal.

MAMI: After we moved to Tokyo, there was that bakery [that closed]!

HARUNA: A bakery near where we lived when we first came to Tokyo.

MAMI: And a shabu-shabu restaurant!

TOMOMI: The community store (*convenience store) is gone too. I think we absorbed all that "luck" and came this far. ...We're very lucky, aren't we?

RINA: We're very lucky.

TOMOMI: I think we've lived our lives by absorbing all kinds of things...

MAMI: Daiei closing was such a big dealー

RINA: It was.

HARUNA: Are we energy vampires?

RINA: Don't say that...

TOMOMI: I think we're just lucky.

HARUNA: Maybe so. It doesn't happen often that so many stores close right after the other...

【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 23

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 GsBBOt6
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 O4lfFvd

•The episode starts with them choosing some Bulgaria Yogurt with the second round of Disney characters printed on the packaging, and then this happens.

•MAMI reads the next message from a fan from Hong Kong who attended the anniversary concert. It's written in somewhat broken Japanese, but the message is basically about them congratulating the band and saying that they worked hard. They also say that the concert was more exciting than emotional. TOMO says that a lot of overseas fans went to the concert. HARU says that she's glad that fans are able to come over to Japan again. MAMI says that if this event had happened two or three years ago, she wonders if they would have had to made it a livestream event instead. HARU says that they can't get used to the atmosphere of performing for livestreams. MAMI then talks about how fans overseas have created fan clubs and the like, and they even send them books with messages in them (👀). She also says that it's amazing how many SCANDAL communities have formed in all kinds of places. HARU says that they create content to promote SCANDAL overseas. MAMI mentions how people do reaction videos to their songs and says that she's glad people are enjoying their music in that way.

•RINA reads the next message from a listener who went to the anniversary concert and mentions how TOMO said that the band's probably made their fans feel lonely (i.e. liking all-girl bands was seen as kind of embarrassing in the past), but they say it's not the case for them at all. They've in fact made many friends whom they've been able to connect with because of SCANDAL. They're not good at getting close to others, but thanks to SCANDAL, they've made at least a few friends. They say that SCANDAL has made their life so much more enjoyable, and that they've made friends that they cherish. TOMO says that there have been a lot of people who have messaged her about the "making fans feel lonely" thing she said and saying that that isn't true, which made her really happy. People sent her messages saying things like how they used to be ridiculed in the past for liking all-girl bands, and hearing what TOMO said at the concert made them remember those times. She said that she had said how she thought everyone had felt that way [when all-girl bands = embarrassing] but that wasn't the case, and she apologizes. RINA says that the band has been able to do what they've done because there are so many people who do understand them. TOMO says she's glad that there are so many people who are proud of the band, and that they hope that SCANDAL will continue for as long as possible because there are people who care about the band as much as the band members themselves do.

•RINA says that there are some fans now who have been around long enough that they know that the band is currently totally different than they used to be in the past, and they recognize the changes, love them for it, and still continue to follow them. She also says that there are also a lot of people who couldn't keep up with the changes, or whose opinions of the band are negative. Like, "I liked SCANDAL better before," or "I bought a CD because I liked this," or "I wish they'd play this kind of music." She says she thinks there are a lot of opinions about the band because each person has their own ideal image of SCANDAL as a band. She believes that all-girl bands in particular really do have to change to keep going. She's sure that many things will happen in the future, but she thinks that most of their fans now do understand and support them. That's why she doesn't think they should be afraid to change and continue to do so. HARU says that all their fans are really good with words, and write + communicate well. They respect the band's spirits and let them know that they love us. That's why the band can do their activities with peace of mind, and can try a lot of different things. RINA says that she wants them to make music freely in the true sense of the word, and that is something that they'll have to do from now on. She says that they were able to reach this goal with their own strength. HARU says that the four of them want to bring everyone an even better SCANDAL.

•They then close out the episode. HARU mentions that they're looking for messages with the theme of their new segment, "Arubaito no Naka de Bokura Zutto" (a pun on the title of their new song, and translates to "We're Always in the Part-Time Jobs"), where they want to hear about peoples' part-time job experiences. RINA and TOMO are the ones who have never had a part-time job, and RINA says that she has no idea about how the shift system works or anything, and that she really admires stuff like this. She says it's really cool and TOMO agrees. The others laugh at this. MAMI wonders if they know how time cards work. RINA says that she wants people to tell them stuff like what the rules were at a job, and that she'd really like to know in detail what morning meetings are like. MAMI says that she thinks RINA and TOMO are probably interested in all the part-time jobs, but she asks if there are any in particular they want to learn/hear about. RINA says it's difficult to narrow it down. TOMO says that there are a lot, and gives McDonald's and an izakaya as an example. RINA says that they're interested in food-and-drink establishments. MAMI asks for people like that to send in messages.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here.

I've updated the guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 AtNT0wux_t Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 W8YA0tQE_t

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup

Dressing room - 2023-10-01 (RINA) - Sun Oct 01, 2023 5:11 am

Dressing room

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It was also hot when we were on standbyー!
Backstage photo record


2023-10-01 12:42:33

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Dressing room - 2023-10-01 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 683
Teaser of the "Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto" music video, which will premiere on SCANDAL's YouTube channel on October 4th, midnight JST.

And here's where the video will premiere:

It says in the video description that Hidenobu Tanabe directed the video.

#front-page #highlight
Oarai Marine Fireworks Festival

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 FVhpGFd

Today, we played a show at Oarai Sun Beach
In Ibaraki Prefecture!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 W5AcJTh

Under the blue sky

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 XARYR4W

We made the best summer memoriessss

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 GxBupOo

Wanting to have the fireworks festival goers
Listen to it as well,
We performed "Uchiagehanabi" for the first time in forever☺

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 YbFEVB7

It made us happy
That the fans who came to see us
Shouted louder and made the atmosphere
Much more lively than usual today

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 F9PYP2F

They're always reliable
And it makes us happy to see their happy faces when we perform

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 6whfMay

Thank you for waiting for us
So early in the hot weather!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 7VSj1mu

At any rate, it was hot! haha

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 QRvQ6on

I wonder when we'll get some fall-like temperatures

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Um4ghaB

We went hard this summer too! Yep!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 2fMuaNv

September also passed by in no time!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Ltz85oW

While hoping
That our music and live performances
Will remain in everyone's memories of summer,

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 HM80YKb

Starting tomorrow we'll be switching our focus to...

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Hf1MW14

Going into
Kanshasai, our tour celebrating the 15th anniversary of our debut, mode!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Rj7UiSl

Thanks for this month too!
Best regards in October as well!


2023-09-30 04:50:13

The 96th upload from RINA to her YouTube channel:

English subs:

Best regards from here on out as well!
I want to do lots of fun things!

If you enjoy my translations, please consider leaving a tip! Happy

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 FdtTi4P

Links to English subs for all of RINA's videos can be found here:

#front-page #tinychannelbyrina

Matcha and charcoal - 2023-09-29 (RINA) - Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:25 pm

Matcha and charcoal

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 BSEYGMx

Which started in 2020,
Is a project that I launched with a friend
Whom I'm close to
And has a similar family background to me.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 SJ4GhwZ

We've been wholeheartedly making original items,
Selecting items from overseas together,
And collaborating
With stores and companies
That support our cause.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Q8Ulymx

Proceeds from the sale of all the items listed here
Are donated to organizations that provide
Childcare/women's support/support for victims of domestic violence

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 P7YExbi

New items from DAISY PROJECT
Are now available!
We just completed some new cute sweatshirts〜!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 DIyO5Xk

This color is called MATCHA.
Lines and flowers that look like they were drawn with a brush
Give the design a slightly Japanese feel.
It's printed in a larger size on the backside,
Giving the impression that you're carrying a framed painting on your back.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 RnqCMVs

The frontside features a small design on the chest area!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 FCzb2r3

And this color is called SUMI (charcoal).

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 TTfET1x

I think that the smoky black color, which is not pure black,
Is very useful in autumn/winter fashion, which tends to be on the darker side,
As it gives an effortless feel☑

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 IUb9BwG

Both colors can of course
Be enjoyed by people of any gender☺

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 P1TytG8

If you're interested,
Please pick some up

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 YP25g3u

We have continued this project
In the hope of providing financial support as much as possible
In the form of donations,
And at the same time,
To be able to empathize with those who are raising children.
We're always looking out for you.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 TVwiaxf

This sweatshirt is scheduled to be
The last item this year,
So I'd be happy if you could purchase some
If you're able to do so☺
Thank you so much
To everyone who has already purchased them!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 EgjYeVu

To all those raising children.
We hope you can take care of yourselves, too.
Thank you for caring for someone else every day.
Even if things are tough now,
We hope there are brighter days ahead.

Online store


2023-09-29 05:28:34


DAISY PROJECT does not ship overseas. For those overseas who want to order anything from there, you can use a shopping service to purchase it on your behalf, and they'll then ship it to you. I would recommend From Japan, who only charge a service fee of 300 yen per item (plus domestic + overseas shipping).
Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Matcha and charcoal - 2023-09-29 (RINA)  Replies: 2  Views: 830

Trip record - 2023-09-27 (RINA) - Thu Sep 28, 2023 12:55 am

Trip record

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 GgGbeRp

I'm kind of going back and forth timeline-wise,
But I wanted to put this on record, and so am writing this blog☺

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Jdn3Y3G

We held talk events to celebrate the release of our new song
in Osaka

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 LVjdVmD

On this day, as well as in Tokyo,
We held two sessions apiece at these two locations!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 I1Xr85O

Thanks to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules
To come and listen to our talk!
I'm really glad
That we told you guys about all sorts of things before our tour.
We get so passionate when we talk about this song!
That's how much thought went into it☺

Ah, at night we went to eat Korean food,
Which was also a blast〜!
A good meal cheers you uppppp

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 NZLkMEU

Looking forward to seeing everyone next at a concert.
We'll do our best!

Good work today as well( ◜ᴗ◝ )♡


2023-09-27 02:42:24

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Trip record - 2023-09-27 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 740

Dressing room - 2023-09-26 (RINA) - Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:30 am

Dressing room

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 QSo7OOy
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Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Jah303i
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Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 JAWMkZz
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Slszlrk
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 RAByf5B
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 DzS775D
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Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 KzzyRaz
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I'll be uploading
A bunch of off-shots as well☑
A collection of summer 2023 memories


2023-09-26 02:14:59

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Dressing room - 2023-09-26 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 1155
Reading some passionate thoughts from listeners after the "Sekai Ichi" event held on August 21st!

Season 2, Episode 23 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 KmJvyqK

HARUNA: We will be reading messages we have received from our listeners. In commemoration of our Guinness World Record for the "Longest-running female rock band with the same musicians," we asked for your memories with SCANDAL, and we have received many messages! We will continue to introduce them, but today we will focus on impressions of the "Sekai Ichi" event. Let's get right to it...


Congratulations on your 17th anniversary, and on being recognized as the best in the world!

I was unfortunately not able to attend the concert, but I am writing this message after being moved by watching the livestream.

I started going to SCANDAL concerts the year I graduated from school and started working. (By the way, I'm a teacher!)

All: Hey! Teacher!

In my first year of working, I had a lot of hardships in my unfamiliar life, but when I went to a SCANDAL concert for the first time, I enjoyed it so much that I'm unable to express it in words, and I was motivated to go again. It gave me the drive to want to go again. Looking forward to the next live concert helped me get through the hard days.

I am now in my third year of working, and whenever I have a hard time, I remember how you've continued on for 17 years, and I feel like I can grit my teeth.

During your comments after being certified as the best in the world, RINA said, "The first thing we learned was to live as a quartet. I'm happy about that." I was very moved. I realized again that my love for SCANDAL has long since passed just liking your music. I respect and love your way of living, and my life is energized by supporting you all.

I am so passionate about SCANDAL that this has become a long and inconclusive sentence, but SCANDAL is the bible of my life. I am proud to be a fan. I will support you forever and ever.

All: Thank you!

RINA: That makes me happy!

TOMOMI: They started listening to us during their first year of working, which is a very important period of time.

HARUNA: That's right. It's reassuring to know that they understand not only the music, but also how the four of us live our lives, and that they like us because of it.

RINA: It makes me extremely happy. It saves me a lot, and if our musical activities can be a source of power for someone else, then I think I'll try to live like this.


Congratulations on your Guinness World Record certification. I was able to witness the moment of certification. I was really happy and glad to be able to witness the happy moment! I was so moved by the feelings of each member.

It has been more than 10 years since I fell in love with SCANDAL, and I have made many precious friends since I started going to your concerts. Back then, we were all students and had a lot of fun together wherever we went, but as I grew older, I started working and got married, so there was a period of time when I couldn't go to shows as much as I used to. There were times when I went to concerts alone because I couldn't make plans with my friends.
But I still loved SCANDAL and the friends that SCANDAL had brought me together with, and I continued to support the band.

I was so happy to have this moment together with my precious friends more than 10 years after I met them, and I couldn't stop crying when we all stood shoulder to shoulder and sang "SCANDAL BABY" together. I am so grateful to all of you. Thank you so much.

I am not good at writing and my sentences are not coherent, but I sent this message to express my thoughts and gratitude. There are many more feelings I would like to convey, but I can't put them all together.

Let me just say this at the end: I really love you. I will continue to support you for many, many years to come.

All: Thank you!

HARUNA: That was easy to understand. It conveys a great message.

TOMOMI: It's important to have friends who like the same music. It means you have the same interests. You can talk about the same things, and you'll be friends for a long time.

RINA: Friends who can recognize each other in the moments when you can let yourself go the most are special and different from ordinary connections... It's great. It's nice to have more friends, enjoy life, and have our music be a part of it...

HARUNA: That makes me happy.

KAKOFES - 2023-09-25 (RINA) - Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:30 am


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 QsyRNzR

Everyone who had fun with us,
Thank you so muchー!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 YftF32b

With it being TOMOMI's hometown,
The warm and welcoming atmosphere was amazing☺

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 W2a08tl

The staff who support us behind the scenes,
The performers that have a connection with Kakogawa,
And everyone who came out to the event--
I'm happy that everyone there looked so happy!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Zv4Y5wz

The sun was setting while we were performing,

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 SnldOqR

The outline of the mountains became clearer and clearer,

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 CkMWfA5

A train passed by every few minutes,

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 BO5U8Vf

And one's gaze moved around to various spots.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 PlXDzGH

The performance felt so niceeee

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 SfrVmLl

The audience's enthusiasm
Was many times greater than I had imagined! It was awesome!
It was so much fun!!!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 POJdzMO

When we left the stage after our performance ended,

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 PnPQnib

We received an encore, which we weren't expecting at all

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 WPpYDBc

Since we were given time for one song,
We went back outー!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 WKv9uWS

It's fun to not be on schedule!
It made us happyー! Thank youー!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 1TtLxSk

I think there were many people
Who saw us for the first time, and those who hadn't seen us in a while.
I hope we can see each other at a concert again!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 E9xGXyI

Next up is our tour that starts in October!
We'll make it another great tripー!


2023-09-25 00:42:43

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: KAKOFES - 2023-09-25 (RINA)  Replies: 5  Views: 952
【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 22

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 N4EGglS
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Hg9cnm0

•The episode starts with the comments the band recorded right after their anniversary concert.

•HARU: "We got our Guinness World Record! It was more emotional than I expected, and once again I felt how we're truly supported by our fans. The concert after the awards ceremony was so passionate. It was a night where we felt so loved by everyone who came to see us. Thank you so much!"

•TOMO: "I really didn't expect to cry that much. It really surprised me. It really does make us tear up when we see everyone's faces. We can generally remember when some fans have started coming to our concerts, like so-and-so has been coming since our early days. It was a large gathering of people who became fans at different times, which was also amazing. It made me cry. It really feels like this is our treasure we've created during these past 17 years. You guys are what's most important to us. Thank you so much!"

•MAMI: "I cried so hard that I couldn't speak. I didn't think I would cry that much. First of all, I didn't even think I would cry. I couldn't stop crying once I started to do so. I was so grateful to all the fans and to our team, and so many thoughts and feelings came flooding out that I cried and cried. But now I know that we're breaking a record every single day from here on. It feels strange, but I hope we can keep working hard to keep going for as long as possible. Thank you so much!"

•RINA: "It was such a great day. I didn't know what I was going to say or how I was going to feel when I got on stage. I felt like I didn't know I was at all. But I felt that we had really overcome so many things to reach this day. The four of us worked really hard. As TOMO mentioned, even if we gain confidence in ourselves, it can break down so quickly. But even so, we have to live our lives, even if it's just one step at a time, building up our self-confidence as many times as we can. This was a night that made me realize once more that we have to believe in ourselves and live confidently in order to everyone happy to be a fan of SCANDAL. It was such a wonderful time. Thank you!"

•Then this happens.

•TOMO then talks about the after-party. Live staff and others from different regions had come out to the event and expressed to the band how they felt about it all, and that there were a lot of people whose voices were shaking as they were speaking. Some also had tears in their eyes. TOMO says she was really moved to think that felt the same way that the band did, and that she's really happy that people close to them were happy for them. HARU says that feeling happy along with the band means that they had been fighting together with them, not only at solo concerts but at festivals as well. They want the band to be able to reach many people. She's also sure that there have been many fun moments as well as frustrating ones. She says that some people have been with them for over 10 years and some for a few years, but it's all the same: she reallys appreciate the fact that they treat the band with love.

•RINA talks about how some managers that left years ago will still make time to go see them, despite not being affilated with them anymore. HARU says that they've had a lot of different managers and probably put them through difficult times in their lives, despite those managers being so young. RINA says that some of their former female managers quit because they got married, some wanted to work a different job, some wanted to go abroad, etc. She says that she thinks it's really hard to be a manager for SCANDAL, and that being a female manager for a band in general--not only in Japan--is a very tough job. That's why they're really grateful to them.

•TOMO mentions how program director Ono also came to the event. HARU says that he had been with them starting from when they deparated Shinagawa Station (to go to Osaka) in the morning. Ono says it's because he was given that ticket, which the band laughs at. RINA says sorry and thanks for coming out starting from early in the morning. HARU then brings up the flowers they received from Meiji and how impressive they were. TOMO says how the sign on them changed after the show. HARU explains how the sign originally said "Congratulations on your 17th anniversary," but afterwards it was changed to "Congratulations on setting a Guinness World Record."

•HARU says how they were simply just happy about everything, as well as excited and tired. TOMO says that they don't know why they were tired, and that it was the most tired they had been in the past few years. RINA says that they were probably more tense that they thought they would be because they felt like they had to work hard until that day. TOMO says that in the past they've always been determined to make big events and such happen, but in order to get the Guinness World Record, they had to stay healthy first. She says that last year they had a difficult time when they had COVID, so it felt like they had lived an extra year. HARU says that at any rate, they just wanted all 4 of them to be standing on that stage. TOMO says that they did good.

•Ono asks if they were nervous from when they departed Tokyo for Osaka, and up until the event started. HARU says that they were. TOMO says that they themselves didn't notice that they were nervous, and that they were more relaxed than usual. They thought it was a more fun event than a normal concert, so they didn't think they were nervous at all. HARU says that they were, though, and TOMO agrees. MAMI says that they were much more nervous to perform their new song ("Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto") during the concert portion since they were debuting it for the first time. HARU talks a little about the new song and says that it's a song about their determination and passion for the band, which can finally be released after celebrating their 17th anniversary and getting their Guinness World Record. They were very excited to deliver this song for the first time, and they performed it with the hope that the audience would properly receive it. She also says that the audience was even more enthusiastic than usual due to the awards ceremony that happened just before the concert portion.

•To close out the discussion, HARU says that usually they have a few days off after August 21st, with some going to visit their parents or some just taking it easy, but this year it was different and instead they shot the music video for the new song, did interviews, etc., so they were in that mode the entire time. They did quite a bit in August in preparation for this single, so they hope that everyone can look forward to their activities in the future.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here.

I've updated the guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 AtNT0wux_t Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 W8YA0tQE_t

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup
The 95th upload from RINA to her YouTube channel:

English subs:

Leaving behind a record of my current feelings☑

If you enjoy my translations, please consider leaving a tip! Happy

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 FdtTi4P

Links to English subs for all of RINA's videos can be found here:

#front-page #tinychannelbyrina

Additional photos - 2023-09-22 (RINA) - Fri Sep 22, 2023 5:52 am

Additional photos

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Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 H2MKjAs
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Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 IFU7B0z

An interview and a review of our new song
Are in the October 2023 issue of MUSICA
That's out now☑

Although this was the first time
That this photographer was shooting us,
We both shared the same image we wanted to create,
Making for a really great encounter☺
The sense of fulfillment you get when you're able to create something good
Is something I love, and it's so much fun

Thanks to those who read it right away
Those who haven't yet, by all means

photo by Ryohei Obama


2023-09-20 10:19:02

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Additional photos - 2023-09-22 (RINA)  Replies: 3  Views: 834
B-side song "CANDY" from the upcoming single will be aired tomorrow, September 23rd, on FM802's "SATURDAY AMUSIC ISLANDS -MORNING EDITION-" radio program durng the 11 am JST block!

#front-page #highlight
The 94th upload from RINA to her YouTube channel:

English subs:

For a long time, I've often talked with my band mates about playing a concert in any place, no matter how far or small, as long as there are fans there.

It had been a long wait, but we were very happy to see our Brazilian fans.

Going overseas is often a challenge both physically and in terms of our schedule, but I'm glad we decided to go this time! It was so much fun and I almost cried with a smile on my face.

The fact that there are people who seek us out is the driving force behind everything we're doing now.

I'm filled with gratitude. Always.

If you enjoy my translations, please consider leaving a tip! Happy

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 FdtTi4P

Links to English subs for all of RINA's videos can be found here:

#front-page #tinychannelbyrina

*Subs for RINA's 93rd video (the Q&A one) will eventually be posted later~
Posted in: Other News  Topic: tiny channel by rina #93 - "SCANDAL in Brazil"  Replies: 199  Views: 20756
Gratitude and resolve

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 I6u4gFZ

We had a talk event in Tokyo
For the release of our new single☺
It was such a great time where we got to talk about all sorts of things in depth
With a limited number of people!
It was also interesting how the vibe was totally different
Between group 1 and group 2☑
Thank you for coming out on a busy weekday.
We're truly grateful.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 T9bF0A2

Talking about our new songs
Is equivalent to telling people who we are now,
And I'm glad
That people can follow our activities listening to or watching them,
Knowing that our feelings change
With each new song.
It makes it feel like we're communicating with one another.
The feelings and reactions we receive become energy for what's next.

There are people who have grown up together
With the band over the years,
There are faces and scenery that come to mind when we make music,
And I really hope that those who are with us now
Can live happily and cheerfully
Every day☺

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 Ir19Wad

Ah, this is a comment that the Tower Records staff
Always leaves for us in the green room!
Right before it's show time, it further flips our switches on
And makes us go, "All right! Let's do it!" They're so nice.

There will be another talk event
In Osaka on 9/23, so if you'd like,
Please come and see us☺

Check here
To see how you can still participate

We're currently in the middle of preparing for our tour
While producing songs again!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 PFTNpVy

Our tour to celebrate the 15th anniversary of our debut that starts next month
Will be a three-date one in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka.
It's titled "Kanshasai" (Giving Thanks).

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 FJwbXhS

We did a tour with this same title when we celebrated our debut's 10th anniversary,
And now, 5 years later, we're doing it again.
It'd be great if we could have at least one Kanshasai tour every 5 years.
"How many more times can we do this?"
Are the feelings of gratitude and resolve we have.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 XYiX9cm

It doesn't matter
If you haven't seen us in a while, if you're seeing us for the first time, or if you're going solo!
Please come and enjoy this tour!

Tickets are on sale now!


2023-09-16 01:47:08

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Gratitude and resolve - 2023-09-16 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 862
Celebrating their Guinness World Record! Talking all about the emotions and happenings of August 21st!

Season 2, Episode 22 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 HapxoJR

HARUNA: On August 21, SCANDAL's 17th anniversary event was held at Namba Hatch in Osaka, and we set the Guinness World Record for the "Longest running rock band with the same members (female)." Thank you very much!

All: Thank you very much!

HARUNA: Again, that's amazing.

MAMI: Yeah, it is.

TOMOMI: Thank you very much.

HARUNA: On "Catch up," we've learned about different records as we looked through the Guinness World Records book and such, gradually making us excited. Then, we were set the record. It was a great day for those who came to the venue and those who watched the livestream. I was so emotionally moved, more than I thought I would be.

TOMOMI: The moment I got off the stage I don't know if I felt really relieved, or exhausted, or content, or accomplished...

RINA: Totally get that!

TOMOMI: That's why we were so tired when we recorded our comments afterwards...

HARUNA: We didn't think we were nervous or anything like that.

TOMOMI: It was a fun event. It was closest to feeling like one of our BEST Xmas concerts.

RINA: There was a festive feel to it.


HARUNA: ...but as we spoke on stage, we got more and more excited, and the thrill we felt when the Guinness World Records certifier was giving the award to us was amazing. It was a feeling we had never felt before...

TOMOMI: That was the first time that's happened.

HARUNA: I think it was an amazing experience with a sense of tension to it.

RINA: It really was.

HARUNA: We said that we had simply continued to be a band. The four of us just spent 17 years together. But that day was when we affirmed ourselves once again how rare that is even from a global perspective. That's why we think things like this are very important. By continuing to be a band, it's important to give ourselves a pat on the back for that.

Staff: We want all of the listeners to hear your comments made right after the event.

HARUNA: We were really tired.

RINA: We were. We were relieved.

TOMOMI: You can tell that from the first words we say. We ought to have been a little more excited.

HARUNA: We weren't like, "Yay!"

TOMOMI: We should have said that. But we didn't feel like it.


(Staff: You recorded the comments at 11:30 pm, after the event was over.)

HARUNA: 11:30... We had interviews and TV tapings after the event ended, so because we had reflected on the event over and over, maybe that's why we felt that way.

RINA: I wonder how many hours passed between the end of the concert and when we sat down in the chairs....

The bonuses that'll come with the new single (you will get Sticker D if ordering from CDJapan):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 UJaq0mU

#front-page #highlight
【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 21

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 TZ4LLhV
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 IGaU1So

•The episode starts with this.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who says they discovered SCANDAL in March 2020 when "A.M.D.K.J." suddenly popped up as a recommended video on YouTube for them. The band wonders what the original video they were watching was. HARU says that it was fate, and also that one probably wouldn't click a recommended video unless it interested them, which means that something hooked them enough for them to want to watch the video. MAMI says that she wants their videos to pop up suddenly for a lot of people [who don't know about them]. Ono says that most of the messages they'll be reading today are like that.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener who says they first discovered SCANDAL in November 2019 when on a business trip and happened to be watching YouTube when the MV for "Shunkan Sentimental" came on. The band says it's mysterious/odd how one of their songs from 10 years ago at that point would be a recommended video.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who lists SCANDAL along with a few milestones in their life (they entered the workforce in 2006 and were surprised to see a band of girls wearing school uniforms, they saw the "Stamp!" MV playing on cable TV in 2016, etc.), and how they heard "one more time" in 2022 during the pandemic and thought that they could start looking forward to the future little by little again, which is when they became a fan. The band says thanks, but are kind of confused about the message and the years they mentioned. HARU says that they're probably mistaken about what they mentioned about 2006, since they technically didn't start wearing school uniforms until around 2007-2008. They might have meant 2008 instead. MAMI says that it sounds like they found out about SCANDAL in 2008, then saw SCANDAL again on cable TV in 2016 but didn't become a fan then, and then in 2022 they saw/heard "one more time" and became a fan at that time. HARU says that it's all about timing, and that hearing stories like this really make her glad that they've continued to be a band for all this time. MAMI says that it's precisely because they've been around for 17 years that this can happen.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who says their memory with SCANDAL involves their decision to change careers last year when they moved to Tokyo to pursue a career in arts and managed to make a living doing it. On the other hand, they realized they didn't love expressing themselves enough to make it their job. That's when "Ai ni Naranakatta no sa" was released and it became clear to them that their childhood dream hadn't turned out to be their true love. Hearing it live on tour, they cried and made up their mind to quit that line of work. TOMO says that's one way of looking at the song. MAMI says there are definitely times when you realize that something you love isn't something you want to make your job. If you're forced to do something you once loved doing, you might end up feeling different about it than how you used to. TOMO says that it takes a lot of courage to make the decision to quit. HARU says that it's also impressive when you're able to properly judge whether you're suited for something or not, and that she hopes the listener finds something that suits them again.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener who says there are two things related to SCANDAL that they'll be grateful for for their entire life. One is that they changed their life. They were a troubled teen when a friend of theirs invited them to go see SCANDAL on their TEMPTATION BOX tour in 2010. They say SCANDAL was so cool and sparkly that their life changed 180 degrees from that moment on. The second one is that they found their true calling and started working in a position where they've been able to help out with SCANDAL's concerts in the Kansai area (they basically work in the concert industry there). They didn't say what exactly it is that they do, so the band sort of tries to guess what it is. TOMO says that maybe they're a local staffer that handles lighting. HARU says the listener should have said what it is that they do, which makes Ono laugh. They say stories like this make them happy.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who's Brazilian found out about SCANDAL in middle school when "Bleach" was popular and "Shoujo S" was as well. They wanted to know what the lyrics were about and so started to study Japanese. Now they're a professor of Japanese at a university in Brazil and say it's all thanks to SCANDAL. The band is surprised at this and how being interested in the lyrics turned into this. TOMO says that the lyrics of "Shoujo S" do seem a little hard to be translated, like the "Iya iya iya" lines at the end. HARU agrees that it does seem pretty difficult to understand. TOMO says that even in Japanese there are parts that are kind of confusing. HARU laughs at how TOMO, who wrote the lyrics, is saying this. TOMO laughs as well. HARU says that during their performance in Brazil she thought that a lot of people did seem to have memorized the lyrics to their songs. It wasn't only the choruses that they were singing along to. TOMO says that they sang "HARUKAZE" in full. Ono brings up how the band's still talking about Brazil, even though they had originally meant for talks about Brazil to only span for one episode (it ended up being two full episodes, plus a part of this one too, now).

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who basically says that SCANDAL's music was always there for them when they were a student, starting from middle school and seeing SCANDAL perform "Shoujo S" on MUSIC STATION in the 'rain.' They also thank SCANDAL for keeping what they love alive and shining. The band says they're happy to hear all that. TOMO says she's glad that the band is alive and well within everyone's precious memories. She then brings up how she listened to BoA a lot in elementary and middle school, and BoA's songs were always used during lessons at Caless when they were attending. Last year, she and HARU went to BoA's 20th anniversary concert. She knew all of the songs and found herself tearing up. All sorts of memories such as, "Oh, we had a lesson that used this song" were brought back. HARU says that memories from your teenage years are very special since that's when your most formative years are--you encounter all kinds of things, experience new things. That's why you'll always love the things you loved at that time. They say that they're grateful that that's what they are to the listener and thank them.

•They then close out this episode. Since this was recorded about a week before their anniversary, they talk a bit about it and that they technically don't know yet if they are going to get their Guinness World Record (spoiler: of course they did get it lol), which they'll confirm during the following week's episode. They also say best regards for their 18th year as well. HARU mentions that she'll then have been in the band for exactly half of her life. MAMI says that all of them will officially have been in the band for half their lives then. HARU says she's really glad they've continued being a band.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here.

I've updated the guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 AtNT0wux_t Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 8 W8YA0tQE_t

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

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