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11th Album - 「LUMINOUS」 - Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:31 am

Yoru SCA #2 will be live streamed today from 9 pm JST (about 4 1/2 hours from the time of this post).

#front-page #luminous
Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: 11th Album - 「LUMINOUS」  Replies: 85  Views: 6916

11th Album - 「LUMINOUS」 - Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:46 pm

LUMINOUS trailer:

#front-page #luminous
Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: 11th Album - 「LUMINOUS」  Replies: 85  Views: 6916
A friend who has something that you don't have... Introducing "outrageous queen stories"!

Season 2, Episode 49 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 Yfhmc5Lk_o

HARUNA: This time...we'll just be reading messages.
In celebration of our new album LUMINOUS on March 20, we have started a segment called "Queens of LUMINOUS," or "Quminous" for short. We've been receiving many "outrageous queen stories" about people you know.

Aoi (*26 years old)

For me, my friend Shi-chan is a Quminous. We connected because we'e fans of the same actress. We liked the same idols from the time we were in the upper grades of elementary school until we graduated from high school, and we became fans of SCANDAL around the same time. We have been going to SCANDAL concerts and events in Kansai together for about 6 years now.

We have a lot of similarities in our family structures and positions at home, so we are very comfortable together, but the thing I like most about her is that she is somewhat nonchalant. I tend to think deeply about many things, like whether I should do ___ in this case, but when I ask her for advice, she responds surprisingingly light-hearted about it, like, "Isn't that okay?"; she makes me laugh with her unique use of words; she goes "I dunno" (知らんけど; shinran kedo), which is very Kansai-like of her... I don't know why, but when she told me, "Well, just do your best" after listening to my problems, it felt more comforting than any other "Do your best" I'd ever been told. I always think that she has something that I don't have.

RINA: That's wonderful.

TOMOMI: They're a good friend. I don't think there are many people who have the same favorite thing for so long. I think it's rare.

RINA: It is very rare.

HARUNA: Yeah, they've been friends since elementary school.

RINA: I guess their interests really do match.

HARUNA: They're in their late 20s now. That's amazing.

RINA: It's a great thing to have someone by your side who understands you so well at a time in your life when you are going through a lot of changes. It's wonderful.

HARUNA: But I think Shi-chan is also helped a lot by Aoi, who is different from her.

RINA: You can tell that they support each other.

HARUNA: This kind of "Quminous" is great, isn't it?

RINA: It's really good.

(A staffer asks, "Do people in Kansai use 'Shiran kedo' a lot?")

RINA: I say it unconsciously, but it's not something you should pick up on, so I don't think it's appropriate.

HARUNA: But don't you say it a lot?

RINA: I do!?

HARUNA: I think you do.

RINA: That's so embarrassing!

HARUNA: I think you say it right away.

RINA: Really!? I'll be a little more aware of it...

【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 48

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 PlbO2zMV_o
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2jyLrBZh_o

•The episode starts with this.

•TOMO then guesses beef (*bzzt). MAMI guesses jalapeno (*bzzt). HARU guesses chocolate (*bzzt). RINA guesses wheat flour (*bzzt). MAMI guesses cactus (*bzzt). TOMO says they had eaten tacos for every meal when they were there and asks what were in them. RINA then guesses chicken (*bzzt). TOMO guesses pork (*bzzt), and then breaks down what the taco consisted of, starting with a corn tortilla. MAMI says there were some tacos with chocolate on them, and then guesses cabbage (*bzzt). HARU guesses onions (*bzzt). MAMI guesses tomatoes (*bzzt). She laughs and says, "You've gotta be kidding me!" TOMO guesses cheese (*bzzt). Ono says that they kind of were close earlier. TOMO then guesses chili peppers, which is correct. The others go, "Ahh." TOMO asks if that includes jalapenos, which Ono says that it seems to. The band says that "chile" being chili peppers does make sense. TOMO says she really wants to eat some tacos. HARU says she does, too. MAMI says she really want to eat jalapenos (lol). RINA says that Mexican dishes really suit Japanese palettes. MAMI says that what you usually think of when you hear tacos is the American version of them with ground beef in them (like Taco Bell tacos), but in Mexico they put the tortilla first, then the ingredients, and you can eat it with a fork and knife (lol idk about that). Ono then says that this question actually came from Meiji's site. RINA kind of repeats what MAMI says about tacos = American style tacos. HARU says that tacos sold at chain restaurants are usually American style. TOMO says that they didn't see any tacos with ground meat in them in Mexico. They also mention how they were given a lot of tequila and gave a lot of them to their staff, which they happily accepted.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener whose message was previously read, who is a Japanese person married to a Brazilian and had been planning to go to Brazil. They say that they went during the New Year's holidays and mention things like how they asked a local relative to find the churrasco place that SCANDAL had gone to. The quiz question is then read: "In Brazil, breakfast is called 'café da manhã,' but what does it mean when translated literally?" RINA guesses "ohayou no hitokuchi" (good morning sip/bite) (*bzzt), which HARU laughs at. TOMO guesses "coffee and sugar," in English (*bzzt). MAMI says that since "cafe" is in the name, it probably has something to do with coffee. HARU guesses "coffee and muffins" (*bzzt). TOMO guesses "coffee and milk" (*bzzt). RINA guesses "pancakes and black tea" (*bzzt). TOMO guesses "pao de queijo" (Brazilian cheese bread) (*bzzt). MAMI guesses "coffee and bread" (*bzzt). TOMO guesses "coffee and wheat" (*bzzt). Ono says that the "cafe" = "coffee" part is correct. TOMO guesses "sunny-side up eggs" (*bzzt). RINA guesses "sausage" (*bzzt), then "potatoes" (*bzzt). Ono then says that it's "___ coffee." MAMI guesses "morning coffee," which is correct. She goes, "That's correct?? Yay!" Ono says that this question also came from Meiji's site. They all laugh and say that everything can be found on their site. HARU reads a little more info that came from the site and mentions that fruit juice is also an indispensible part of breakfast. They all recall that the fruit juice they had there was really good. TOMO says it was so good that she thought she was going to die.

•HARU reads more info, which mentions pao de queijo, and says that it contains mandioca flour, which makes it very springy. MAMI goes, "What does 'mandioca' mean?" and asks it like a quiz question. TOMO guesses glutinous rice (*bzzt), which makes the others laugh. RINA guesses "flour that makes food springy" (*bzzt). TOMO guesses rice flour (*bzzt). Ono says that the word is actually defined on Meiji's site, which surprises them. HARU says that she happened to see the answer and info, and says that it was once a staple food of indigenous peoples. TOMO guesses taro (*bzzt). MAMI also seems to know the correct answer and says that she's close. TOMO then guesses satoimo (which is also taro, though lol) (*bzzt). TOMO then just says potato, and MAMI says that it is a potato. HARU says that it's something they've likely heard more about in recent years. TOMO goes, "What?" MAMI laughs and says that doesn't help. RINA guesses Japanese mountain yam (*bzzt), which makes everyone laugh (HARU: "What a refined answer"). RINA says that she thought that'd be the right answer. HARU says that it's used in something that's popular these days. TOMO and RINA are still confused by this. TOMO then guesses "maritozzi" (I think lol? which are Italian cream buns). There's a pause before the others laugh and say that that has been a popular item recently. MAMI laughs and says that's not a potato.

•HARU clarifies that it's something potato related that's used in something that's popular. TOMO says that she can't think of anything. HARU starts saying that it was probably more popular a little while ago, before TOMO suddenly goes, "Tapioca!" HARU goes, "Tapioca, what?" TOMO asks what tapioca is, anyway, and if it is a potato. HARU says that it's the potato used to make tapioca. RINA asks if it's a white potato, which HARU says it is. TOMO says that she thought tapioca was made from gelatin, and then wonders if gelatin comes from a potato (lol it's derived from animals). TOMO then guesses "konjac potato" (*bzzt). RINA asks if it's "___ potato." HARU says that it is. TOMO again guesses satoimo (taro) (*bzzt). HARU says that it's not really talked about in Japan. Ono says that they've likely heard about it before, though. TOMO and RINA try thinking of what tapioca is made of. TOMO says that she's surprised tapioca comes from a potato. Then, she goes "Ca-?" Ono says that it does start with "ca." They then just start saying words that start with that, like "cabinet." TOMO guesses "casket" (*bzzt). RINA laughs at this. MAMI says that it's "ca" plus the name of a fish (spoiler: she's referring to "saba" (サバ), which is mackerel). TOMO says "cagyo" ("gyo" means "fish") (*bzzt), which they laugh hard at. MAMI starts to explain something else when TOMO suddenly answers "cassava," which is correct. She goes, "I've never heard of it, though!", which they all laugh at. RINA says that she's never said it outloud before, and when she said it, that was the first time her mouth ever moved that way. They laugh. MAMI says that it resembles taro but is a different kind of potato.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener from the Philippines who mentions things like how they and their friends won first place in a digital art production contest at their school, which was scary at first since it was their first time collaborating with local friends. They had little experience collaborating before, which had been with online friends in far away countries. They say to also wish them luck as they're working on a piece to give to someone for Valentine's. The band says that's awesome they got first place. RINA wonders if designs created by AI were used. They also say that it's great how we live in an era where you can make art with people you've never met before, and wonder what kind of art they're making for Valentine's. Ono says that Meiji doesn't have a page about the Philippines on their site, so this is a question he made up especially for them. HARU starts reading it: "'Everyone loves Jollibee, but...' Wait, what does this say? 'Men'..." MAMI goes, "'Men'?" Ono takes a look at it and says that it says "menu." The others laugh and RINA says she was wondering what that 'men' was all about. HARU reads the question again: "Everyone loves Jollibee, but what is the local food 'palabok' on the menu?" HARU says that TOMO did go to Jollibee. RINA asks if she ordered it. TOMO says that she didn't. MAMI guesses sweet banana (*bzzt). RINA says that that does seem probable. TOMO says that the mango peach pie was delicious (*bzzt). RINA guesses fried chicken (*bzzt). TOMO guesses sweet meat sauce (*bzzt). MAMI guesses meatball (*bzzt). There's a slight pause before they ask if they're close. Ono says no. They laugh and say that he was making a face that seemed to indicate they were close.

•Ono says that this is a difficult one and that it's not a dessert food. TOMO guesses a hot sandwich (*bzzt). MAMI guesses salad (*bzzt). Ono tries to explain stuff to them and mentions that it's close to a Chinese dish. TOMO guesses bun (*bzzt). HARU guesses manju (*bzzt). MAMI guesses glass noodles (*bzzt). TOMO guesses yakisoba (*bzzt), then pad thai (*bzzt). RINA says beef. There's a pause before they all get excited and start clapping. Ono says that that's not an incorrect answer, and that it's "___ beef." TOMO guesses eggs and beef (*bzzt). HARU guesses tofu (*bzzt). RINA guesses chicken (*bzzt). TOMO guesses seafood (*bzzt), then onions (*bzzt). MAMI guesses garlic chives (*bzzt), and then vegetables. There's no buzzer sound played, which makes the band confused. MAMI then guesses ground beef (*bzzt). TOMO guesses cassava (*bzzt). MAMI laughs and RINA says that's definitely the right answer. Ono says that it describes the shape/size of the beef. TOMO guesses finely cut beef (*bzzt). HARU guesses soup (*bzzt). TOMO guesses ankake (basically refers to food covered in a thick starchy sauce), which is correct. Ono seems to show them photos of the dish. They say it looks good and would like to try it.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here.

I've updated the guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 AtNT0wux_t Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 W8YA0tQE_t

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup
The first "I see - The Catch up" in forever! What is "chile," an essential ingredient in Mexican cooking?

Season 2, Episode 48 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 8DyEP6eC_o

HARUNA: This time we're doing... "I see - The Catch up"!

TOMOMI: We love this segment!

HARUNA: It's been a while.

TOMOMI: It's been a really long while, hasn't it?

HARUNA: Not since last summer.

RINA: That much time has passed, huh.

HARUNA: Last summer, too, it had been a while since we'd done "I see - The Catch up."

TOMOMI: Once every 2 cours.
(*1 cour equals 3 months)

RINA: That's right.

HARUNA: It seems like we've been doing it quite a bit, but at any rate, it's been a while.

RINA: Once is a lot.

HARUNA: "I see - The Catch up" is a quiz about world news and countries! Based on messages from overseas listeners, the staff comes up with quizzes related to the countries of the people sending n messages and ask the members questions. So far...we have delivered quizzes based on messages from Estonia, Malaysia, Argentina, Italy, Russia, USA, Australia, Philippines, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, and Hong Kong.

RINA: The number's growingー

HARUNA: We get to know a lot more about the world. Which countries will they be from this time? First, we'll read the messages.


Hi, im Tony from Mexico

This is my first time to send you a message and I am using a translator so I am sure there are many things wrong, but I was very happy to hear that SCANDAL has a new album and a new tour this year. I hope they will have a concert in my country, I want to go too, in 2015 and 2018 you already had concerts there, but at that time I was not yet a fan of yours, I was hoping MIRROR would have a date here, though that did not happen, hope to see more scandals this year and next!

(*Note: I translated this message to English through another translating service to retain the machine-translated feel)

All: Thank you very much!

TOMOMI: We'd like to go to Mexico tooー.

MAMI: We doー.

TOMOMI: I wonder what made them like us after 2018.

HARUNA: I wonder.

TOMOMI: There might have been some trigger related to Japan, like TV or magazines. If it's overseas...

RINA: YouTube? When we went to Mexico for the first time, we heard that many people came after watching our music videos on YouTube.

TOMOMI: I wonder if that's still true today. We don't update YouTube at all...only music videos.

HARUNA: There's no content that can be easily watched. (lol unfortunately, you guys are too naive)

TOMOMI: It'd be nice if there was more.

HARUNA: That's true.

RINA: If you hit upon a video and watch one, there are quite a few music videos to watch.

MAMI: There are quite a few.

TOMOMI: On the contrary, there are only music videos.

HARUNA: We made a few documentaries during the MIRROR era, so perhaps they watched them.

TOMOMI: We'd love to go back to Mexico.

Staff: SCANDAL fans overseas enjoy this program, too. That's why they send in messages.

HARUNA: That's true; if people want to know more about us, they could eventually end up here.

TOMOMI: But since we only talk in'd be difficult [for them to understand] even if they ended up here.

RINA: We're very grateful.

TOMOMI: Thank you very much.

HARUNA: Now then, let's start "I see - The Catch up" with a question about Mexico.

The essential ingredients for Mexican cuisine are corn, beans,
And "chile." Now then, what is "chile"?

TOMOMI: Chile??

MAMI: Chire!? Wait, wait, wait...avocado!

【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 47

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 Ly96Vm8C_o
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 L3df3lXc_o

•The episode starts with this.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who says they're sending in a topic for Smental: When eating oden, which ingredient do you start from? Ono says to try and do it. HARU says that she has hers decided. RINA says that there's one that she usually starts with. MAMI says that she has two in mind. TOMO says that hers depends on her mood that day. MAMI then wonders what some of the official names are for the ingredients. RINA and HARU both say that theirs are very standard ones. Ono says they should try and match their answers. RINA says that the one she's thinking of is one she'd imagine about 90% of people would order when eating oden. They say they think they'll match up and all answer "Daikon" at the same time. HARU says that she hasn't eaten oden much this year. MAMI says she's hasn't eaten it. TOMO says that she's eaten it around 3 times. RINA says she's eaten it as well.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who says that they really sympathized with the recent story the band told about absorbing luck and say that they have similar experiences where something bad always happens to someone who treats her loved ones badly. An example would be mysterious leaks in the roof above the three people who treat her husband badly, and all those people sat in the different locations. Also, good luck always seems to happen to her loved ones. She's always had this kind of luck but wants to get rid of it since it scares her. She's also scared that she's the only one like that. HARU says that her mom is the same way, and lists an example of people working with her quitting right away. TOMO says that they're on a higher level than SCANDAL. The band just absorbs luck, but it's like these people are punishing bad guys. MAMI says that HARU's mom isn't the same as the listener. HARU says that her mom will wish things like "I wish they'd leave" and they usually do. TOMO says that the listener in particular is kind of close to being a god. MAMI says that maybe they were in a past life. They then talk about how it's the opposite for them with liking stores that seem to inevitably close down. RINA says that maybe they're pouring out a lot of twisted love, which they laugh at. They ask people who have these "godlike powers" to send in messages.

•RINA reads the next message from a listener who says that they spoke some power words in early 2024. They were worried about the environment of the place they'd been working at since the end of last year, and even after the start of the new year, they found themselves being consumed with work and exhausted by it. They came down with the flu at the start of the year, yet the owner gave them a tough schedule. The listener asked if they cared about their employees at all, and owner said they've never been told that before. The next day they talked and made peace, but the listener did eventually quit. RINA says that all built up and exploded when those words were said. TOMO says it takes courage to say something like that, and it's great when that courage improves things for others.

•Before HARU reads the next message, she goes, "What was 'Shunkan Plain,' again?" None of them remember what it is. TOMO says that they probably don't have this segment anymore. HARU then reads the message from a listener who sent in a message to the recent "Catch up" live broadcast for a "song you want a loved one to hear," which he dedicated to a follower of theirs, though the message + song weren't chosen to be aired. A few days later when they were feeling down, they were so happy to hear from their follower and told her about the message + song they sent in to express their gratitude for the follower. She said that she had actually done the same, and their messages ended up being almost the same. Although they live in different places and have never met in real life, they met on social media because of SCANDAL and are very important to one another. The listener was so happy that they couldn't put into words when they found out they both had written the same kind of thing. They say it's their dream to meet the follower at a concert one day. The band says that's lovely. HARU apologizes for not reading their message. They say they have several concerts this year, including their upcoming tour, so they'd love for them to come out and finally meet.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who lives in Kagoshima Prefecture and ask if they remember the call-and-response regarding a local commercial they did when SCANDAL went there on the 47-prefecture tour. They're referring to this commercial for a vocational school where one person asks, "Shourai, nani ni naru no? (What will you be in the future?)" and the other answers, "Koumuin (civil servant)." They say that the school hasn't showed the commercial for a few years now, but it's so ingrained into the bodies of people from Kagoshima that they'll definitely answer back if they were asked during another MC. They also give a tip to stretch out the "no" at the end. MAMI says, "We didn't absorb the luck out of the commercial, right?", which makes them all laugh. TOMO says that's possible. They laugh at how they were even given a tip to say it properly. TOMO says that they'd do this kind of local commercial call-and-response thing during their 47-prefecture tour, which made the crowds excited.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who saw TOMO's post from when she went to the Philippine and had Jollibee. They say also went to the Philippines and had Jollibee for the first time. TOMO says that Jollibee was great. HARU asks what she ate. TOMO says she got the kids meal because she wanted the toy of Jollibee that came with it. She says it came with some bright yellow 'clay' (was actually Play-Doh) but didn't understand the directions on how to do it (you put a piece of Play-Doh into the food mold on the figure's back, press it down, and put the Play-Doh on the figure's tray it's holding), so she asked fans via social media for help.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here.

I've updated the guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 AtNT0wux_t Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 W8YA0tQE_t

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup

On-air - 2024-02-23 (RINA) - Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:17 pm


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-23-19-14-rina1

Will be aired
At 2:05 am JST tonight✓

The members of Shingeki
Came to talk to us
At an event last year,
And this month they invited us to be on their program☺
So happy. Thanks!

Right after the taping
TiNA-chan invited me to go eat,
And we met up about 2 days? later♡ So proactive! haha
I'm very happy she's interested and fond of me
So cute ദി ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-23-19-14-rina2

The MC was Yoshi of [comedy duo] COWCOW!

It was a great time we created together
Looking back on stories of the past 17 years,
And talking about things unique to female groups✓

It looks like you can watch it free on this app,
So please check it out〜!

\ Look forward to ittttt!/
(*A Japan VPN is needed to view it)

It's still cold outside,
So please take care of yourselves♡


2024-02-23 19:14:11

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: On-air - 2024-02-23 (RINA)  Replies: 2  Views: 303
【Translated Summary】"Yoru SCA ~Live streaming just before the release of LUMINOUS~" #1

•As the stream starts, the band explains that they are doing a total of 3 livestreams every other week to celebrate the release of their upcoming album LUMINOUS.

•HARU reads a comment that asked them if they ate. RINA says yes, and that they ate Yoshinoya. HARU says that they ate while deciding on the setlist for their upcoming LUMINOUS tour. TOMO says that it's such a good setlist that she doesn't know if they can pull off playing it (since it's so intense), and that it'll be a little different from what they usually do.

•They first show an infographic with the different album covers + tracklist on it. RINA starts talking about the Blu-ray+Merch Edition and holds it up to show it off. She mentions how the included long-sleeve shirt should fit men as well as women on the shorter side, and that the band chose which fabric and style the shirt should have. Next, they show what the set of 4-frame photo strips look like. RINA says that although she's not a part of the culture that collects this type of photo (referring to how these strips are usually associated with K-Pop groups), the other band members told her about them and she definitely thinks that physically having something like these gives you a different kind of enjoyment in addition to listening to the music. HARU says that it's not just the songs or music that are enjoyable, but also the things that accompany them such as the glittery cover of the edition and the photo strips. TOMO says while looking at the strips that they're on the bigger side. RINA asks how you would display them. TOMO says it's difficult to say. MAMI says you could put them in a photo strip holder. HARU says it'd be nice there are some that fit big strips like these. MAMI says you could also cut them up. RINA says to do whatever you'd like. HARU says that they're a little too big to put inside of a phone case. TOMO holds one up against the back of her phone, and it's about an inch longer. RINA says that you could probably do it if you have a phone that's on the bigger side.

•TOMO then wonders if they should show the other editions next. HARU looks down at the outline sheet in front of her while RINA says while looking past the camera [at the staff], "'Fanfare'?" TOMO starts to say that they've only introduced one edition so far, but HARU interrupts and says they actually had jumped way ahead. They all look at their sheets and start laughing. After the infographic was shown, they were supposed to talk about the new song "Fanfare" next instead of introducing the editions.

•They then talk about "Fanfare." HARU says that info related to the song has been released recently, such as how it will be the ending song for the anime "HIGHSPEED Étoile" that will start airing in April. HARU asks if they've already talked about the song and directs it more towards TOMO, presumably because she wrote the lyrics. TOMO goes, "About what?" RINA and HARU specify if they've talked about the production of the song and look towards the staff when they ask. The band all laughs and says that it's probably okay for them to talk about it. TOMO says that they don't have to keep how they wrote the song a secret. RINA says that they want to talk about it. TOMO says that around spring of last year is when they received this offer to write a song for the anime. The lead character is an independent and strong woman, which is a prominent topic in the series. Since it overlaps with what they value as a band, they wrote a song that revolves around the story of the race while also overlapping with their own story. TOMO says that they never really thought about how in what way they would continue their activities after getting their Guinness World Record last year, and it was the first time they really looked at themselves seriously. That's why she wrote the song while thinking of the band, and while crying and her autonomic nervous system being in turmoil. They all laugh at this. HARU says that it was tough. TOMO agrees and says that it had been a long time since she had written lyrics to a song like this. She also says that she's been writing everyday kind of songs recently, so it had been a while since she had written some for a tie-in song. Although she did struggle a bit, she hopes she was able to leave a message that represents their determination for the future.

•RINA mentions how the album is titled LUMINOUS and that the word "luminous" has the connotation of something emitting light on its own. The album is filled with songs that open the door to something brighter, and "Fanfare" is the song that leads the way--it's a song that's the key to the next bright world. RINA says she really likes the lyrics and melody, and that she feels they've put a lot of emotion into the song, making it very heartfelt. When they were shooting the music video for it, she was able to play with a big smile on her face and not worry about anything. She says it's probably been a while since she's been able to express herself like this and it makes her feel all cheerful. It made her think that this is how the four of them are going to continue onwards again, which is why she can't wait for everyone to hear it. HARU says that this is why "Fanfare" is one of the first songs. TOMO says that it's a very fast-paced song. RINA says that MAMI arranged it. MAMI says that they were told what the production staff wanted the song to be like: a fast-paced song that would be great live and be set at a higher BPM. She says the band also wanted to make it a very cheerful, bright song that was made complete by the sounds of the four of them, and she thinks they did a great job at doing so. HARU then mentions that she talked a little bit about the song when shooting a video for their fan club, which was taken when they were filming the MV. She says they used a drone to film for the first time, so there will be angles that you've never seen in their videos before.

•Next, they show the other editions of the CD. RINA picks up the Magazine Edition (Limited Edition B), but she incorrectly calls it the Regular Edition instead and says that it's the one with the biggest jellyfish on it. MAMI says the jellyfish are cute and that they asked for shiny jellyfish to be made. RINA says that they were made from scratch with CG. RINA then correctly picks up the Blu-Ray Edition (Limited Edition A) with "her" Diary on it. TOMO says it's pretty lengthy at about an hour long. RINA says that they had their year in 2023 filmed closely, and watching it back made her remember how their year started out, which she had forgotten about, and although it had been a very difficult year, she felt that they made progress, even if it was just a little bit at a time. She then asks the staff to show on screen the infographic with the covers and content of the limited editions. TOMO then notices that the edition RINA had claimed to be the Regular Edition wasn't actually it, and MAMI hands her the one that is actually it (the cover with 4 jellyfish on it) while laughing. RINA turns over the CDs to see which edition is which and then holds up the Magazine Edition again, saying, "Even though I said differently earlier, this is Limited Edition B! Got it?" TOMO holds up the Blu-ray Edition and asks which one it is. HARU says it's LE A. There's a pause before TOMO goes, "Wait a minute... I don't get it." The infographic is shown on screen again as they try and figure out which cover equals which edition. The stream cuts back to the band with HARU holding the Regular Edition and saying that it has 4 jellyfish on it.

•They then talk about the Magazine Edition and how there are 100 question and 100 answer sections in it, with the questions coming from MANIA members. RINA says the questions were really interesting. MAMI says there were some deep questions, which they laugh at. TOMO doesn't seem to remember and goes, "They were deep?" RINA says there were also subjects that they've never talked about before. Each member got different questions, which is why RINA says she's excited to read what they were. They also mention that there are a lot of specially shot photos included in the magazine.

•The next thing they talk about are the bonuses that come with the album when either ordered early and/or ordered from specific stores. The infographic is shown on screen first, and they joke and laugh that they won't mess up anymore. HARU says that they have a few of them on hand, though not all of them. They first show the clear file, which came with each Limited Edition pre-ordered until February 12. Next, they show the shoelaces that come with orders from Rakuten Books. They they're really cute and have the band logo printed on them in white. After that, they show the clear photo cards that only MANIA members can get. RINA puts all 4 of them on the back of a white sheet of paper to try and show them to the camera but can't hold all of them down at the same time, so MAMI says to show them one by one. They say you can put these in a holder and bring it with you when you go out. The other bonuses that are available but they don't have on hand are the regular photo cards available at different stores plus the phone lanyard from 7Net Shopping. HARU says that the band personally chose the designs and colors for the shoelaces and lanyard. RINA says there isn't a single thing that the band puts out that the band members are not involved in. HARU says that they even chose which photos would be used for the bonuses. RINA says, "We do everything ourselves, so please rest assured." She and HARU laugh.

•HARU says that this stream was focused on them introducing the physical attributes and such related to the album. RINA says she's so glad everything's finally complete. HARU says that they finished recording in December and took the following month off, but even during that time they were confirming a lot of details related to the album, such as choosing which photos to use for the bonuses, and that it all finally took shape and is now a month away from release. They say to please look forward to it.

•They then take a look at some of the comments people are leaving in the live chat. TOMO reads a comment that says they had pre-ordered the album at SCANDAL's BEST Xmas concert. The band says that they'll get the clear file with their order, then. The staff then reminds the band that there was also a sticker bonus that day, where purchasers received a sticker with printed handwritten messages from the band on them. The band says that they put a lot of thought into making these bonuses because they wanted to make it as fun as possible and wanted there to be a lot of things that people could get their hands on, but they do want people to feel free to choose what they'd like/want. TOMO then lists various countries that she's seen viewers mention in comments. HARU says that that's usually the case when doing a YouTube Live. RINA says that there must be some countries where the time difference must be big.

•Another comment asks them to release band scores again. TOMO says that maybe they could release a band score for one song as a bonus with a release. The mention of doing just "one song" seems to make the others laugh. TOMO then says that maybe they could do it for a future release if there's chance to. MAMI says that maybe they could do something like a band score PDF that could be downloaded via a QR code. They also mention maybe doing book versions of band scores again. TOMO wonders when the last one they released was, and thinks that it was YELLOW. The others seem to think that as well. RINA wonders if they released one for HONEY. The others think they didn't. They at least know for sure that they haven't released a score since establishing "her." RINA says that she can't remember something like that so far back. TOMO doesn't think that they did. RINA asks if they've ever seen it before. TOMO says she hasn't. HARU looks at the comments in the chat and says that the fans are saying they did release one for HONEY (yes, they did lol). The band is surprised by this and wonder if they have this score in their office. TOMO laughs and says that all of the comments say that it does exist. HARU says that the fans would know about these things better than them, after all, which the others agree with and thank the fans for.

•They ask the fans if there's anything else they want to know. HARU reads a comment that asks when they'll be announcing the overseas dates for the LUMINOUS tour. They purposely answer vaguely and say that they'll probably be released before long, and then laugh. HARU reads another comment that asks if they're doing any release events for the album. There's a pause before TOMO again answers vaguely and says it'd be nice if there are. They all laugh at this. They say while laughing that it would be better if they did have some. Another comment asks if there will be a vinyl edition of the album. They say that they'd like to, and that it would be nice to do so. MAMI says that releasing one with these covers would be cute. TOMO then reads a comment says that to "please make a pizza." They laugh at this. HARU looks at comments and goes, "Ah, merch?" The others are confused and TOMO goes, "Pizza merch?" HARU laughs and says that the comment said something like, "The merch [for the upcoming tour] hasn't been released/decided yet?" The others are still confused, and HARU apologizes and says that that has nothing to do with the pizza comment. They laugh and RINA says that she thought HARU was being awfully positive about making pizza merch. They say that they have decided on the merch and that it's really cute. HARU reads a comment that asked them to do a nationwide tour of Japan and says that they are in fact doing that with this tour.

•TOMO reads a comment asking about a live recording/DVD/Blu-ray. RINA says that they do put them out from time to time, though they don't particularly like being recorded. They laugh at this. MAMI says that they'll probably release some clips here and there on their YouTube channel. TOMO does say to come out to this tour because they won't be recording and releasing it on Blu-ray/DVD. Another comment TOMO reads says to do "screenshot time." She says they should do it to close out the stream. They decide to hold up the CDs and pose with them. HARU is confused as to which way is the right way to hold it and they realize that the obi (the strip of paper on the left side of the CD) is facing the wrong way. RINA laughs and says to put her hand over that part so that people won't notice (HARU still ends up holding the CD upside down, though lol).

•They close out the stream by saying that the next stream will be in two weeks on March 5th at the same time of 9 pm JST. HARU wonders what they could possibly talk about next time. RINA says that there are still lots of things to talk about, and HARU and TOMO wonder what they could be. MAMI say that they could talk about the songs on the album. TOMO says that they could also talk about things not related to the album, as well as read comments/answer questions from viewers. They then start saying goodnight and waving to the camera, and then pause for a second and look over to the staff to see if it's okay. They say the staff says it's okay and continue saying goodbye and waving.

If you enjoy my translations, please consider leaving a tip! Happy

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 FdtTi4P

#front-page #luminous

France - 2024-02-22 (RINA) - Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:21 am


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-22-13-18-rina1

An article with an interview
By French music media site
Is now up in French/English✓

While looking back
On photos from our in concert in Paris in 2022,

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It was painful to remember
How I felt on the edge during that period haha

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I feel like I'm standing there
With lots of support every day

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I am overflowing with gratitude to everyone

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But all of these feelings
Have become an important part of the story!

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The team that wrote this article
Came from Paris
To our Sekai Ichi event last year as well✓

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I'm glad they're so enthuastic!

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I realized again
That I want to continue to tell our overseas fans
About the four of us in real time☺

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I can't wait to see you guys at a concert〜!


2024-02-22 13:18:30

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: France - 2024-02-22 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 329

About February - 2024-02-21 (RINA) - Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:54 pm

About February

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The newly started
Yoru SCA!
It was fun doing a livestream for the first time in forever〜!

Talking about the album itself,
The production of a certain song, etc...
We chatted away✓

Thank you to everyone who came to watch it!

An archive of it is up,
So if you missed it, take a look at it whenever you'd like✓

On 3/5 from 21:00〜 JST
Is the second Yoru SCA stream! Look forward to it!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 O1080108015404302823

February goes by so quickly.
It's a part of the year that feels especially fleeting every year,
But this year it was filled
With so many different happenings.
I even went back to Kansai for a moment‎~

Let's clear the rest of the days
One by one carefully〜✓
It looks like there will be new announcements soon...!


2024-02-21 18:05:00

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: About February - 2024-02-21 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 386
What did someone really want to tell HARUNA with their first-ever message?

Season 2, Episode 47 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 LXF3NYS6_o

HARUNA: This time...we're just going to introduce messages. Let's get right to it.


I became a fan of SCANDAL when I was in middle school, and although I was away from the band for a while in high school due to studies and club activities, I am now a nursing student and am hooked on SCANDAL again. In that vein, I belatedly listened to all past episodes of "Catch up," and I really wanted to tell HARUNA something, so I'm sending in a message to a radio program for the first time in my life.

During Smental (game where all 4 members of SCANDAL try to give the same answer to a subject), HARUNA has given answers such as mochi and tofu, but what I imagine while listening and what HARUNA gives as an answer are always the same.

The other members would say, "Why would you answer that? That's so funny!", I was pleased to see that my thought process was exactly the same as HARUNA's, but at the same time felt down and thought I was a weirdo, so I had mixed feelings about it (haha).

I got the impression that HARUNA feels down every time Smental is played, but she has like-minded comrades, so don't be discouraged! That's all I wanted to say.

On a personal note, the national nursing exam is coming up in a week, so I'm feeling anxious every day no matter how much I study. But I will get through it by listening to SCANDAL songs every day!

HARUNA: Thank you!

TOMOMI: Good luck! National exams sure are nerve-racking.

RINA: But their message is so cute.

TOMOMI: HARU has a comrade.

HARUNA: Yeah, I do. But there are a few others as well.

MAMI: Hmm?

HARUNA: I get DMs from quite a few people who say, "I also thought of tofu!"

MAMI: Before that, HARU, you felt down!?

TOMOMI: You felt down?

HARUNA: Well...

RINA: You did?

HARUNA: It doesn't make me feel down that my answers are different than your guys' answers. I'm surprised that you're so surprised. I'm more surprised than disheartened.

All: Ah!

MAMI: I see. But it's not something to be disheartened about.

RINA: There's no right answer.

TOMOMI: It's just a game.

What we want to tell you

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-19-14-19-rina

More details about the bonuses that come with the album
Have been revealed♡

Here's the cover of the her magazine,
Now in its fourth volume✓
There are so many newly shot photos
Taken in all sorts of outfits and makeup looks

We introduce all of the songs,
And there are solo pages with 100 questions and 100 answers...!
We asked for questions
From our fan club members,
And they were so interesting! haha
There were a lot of things we talked about for the first time!
Thank you to everyone who sent in a question✓

Here's the edition
That comes with this magazine♡

We also released the teaser for the her diary,
Which closely follows our activities of the past year

English subs:

Our close cinematographer
Chie Okazawa-chan,
Who has been with us since our debut!
Each time I think of how this is the kind of the content
That could only be captured by this team,
And honest words that we couldn't talk about.

Getting our Guinness World Record
Was a big subject last year, after all,
And that's what the teaser focuses on,
But the main story is completely different.
That was my impression.
It's filled with things
That we want to tell you guys about,
So I'd love for you to watch it✓

Can't believe there's already
1 month left until it hits stores!



2024-02-19 14:19:15

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: What we want to tell you - 2024-02-19 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 327

11th Album - 「LUMINOUS」 - Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:58 pm

The cover + content for "her" Magazine Vol.4 and teaser for 「SCANDAL DOCUMENTARY “her” Diary 2023 SPECIAL EDITION」 have been released, and 3 livestreams to commemorate the release of the album have been announced!

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English subs:

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The cover and content of “her” Magazine Vol.4” included with the Magazine Edition (Limited Edition B) of LUMINOUS have been released!

The latest issue of the long-awaited magazine, which gained popularity as inclusions in the single Masterpiece/Mabataki; and the albums Kiss from the darkness and MIRROR, features a total of 64 pages that include newly shot photos of the band that can only be seen here, an interview about all of the album songs, 100 questions and 100 answers by each member, and more!

The teaser video for “SCANDAL DOCUMENTARY “her” Diary 2023 SPECIAL EDITION” included in the Blu-ray included with the Blu-ray Edition (Limited Edition A) of the album LUMINOUS has been released!

It will be a 60-minute video that closely follows SCANDAL in 2023, when they celebrated their 17th anniversary and became the "best in the world."

YouTube Lives will be held for the release of new album LUMINOUS!

YouTube Lives titled "Yoru SCA" (Night SCANDAL) will be streamed on SCANDAL's official YouTube channel!

A total of 3 streams every other Tuesday from 9:00 pm JST starting on Tuesday, February 20th, titled "Yoru SCA ~Live streaming just before the release of LUMINOUS~."

The 4 band members will be appearing to talk about info and behind-the-scenes stories about their new album LUMINOUS, so don't miss it!

"Yoru SCA ~Live streaming just before the release of LUMINOUS~" #1

Date and time: February 20 (Tuesday) 21:00~ JST


"Yoru SCA ~Live streaming just before the release of LUMINOUS~" #2

Date and time: March 5 (Tuesday) Time TBD

"Yoru SCA ~Live streaming just before the release of LUMINOUS~" #3

Date and time: March 19 (Tuesday) Time TBD

*The streams will be archived.
*Schedule is subject to change.

#front-page #luminous
Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: 11th Album - 「LUMINOUS」  Replies: 85  Views: 6916
【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 46

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•The episode starts with this.

•RINA also says that it was raining on the day they stayed overnight in Kyoto, but it was really cool to see Kyoto in the rain. She spent a nice and luxurious day relaxing and thinking how grateful she is to have been able to spend her time like that. She also mentions that she went to Tokyo Disneyland. HARU is surprised and says that she successfully drove outside of Tokyo/the prefecture (one of RINA's 2023 resolutions was to drive outside of Tokyo, which she didn't get around to doing--until recently with this trip). RINA laughs and says she did accomplish that. MAMI congratulates her. HARU asks how it was. RINA says she was really nervous but managed to get there safely. She mentions how the Disneyland staff is so smiley when they guide you when parking. It made her think, "Thanks! I've arrived!" and says she was really happy. HARU says that she's glad she drove outside of Tokyo, RINA says she's glad she was able to report this.

•Next, HARU says that TOMO did a lot of traveling. TOMO says that she first went to Kumamoto for New Year's with her family and saw Mount Aso, the castle, and relaxed in the hot springs. After that, she went to South Korea with her high school friends for 2 days, 3 nights. Following that, she went to Cebu in the Philippines with her elementary school friend for about a week. Following that, she went to Toba Aquarium and Ise Jingu Shrine (in Mie Prefecture) for a day. HARU says that's a huge distance traveled. TOMO says she was almost never in Tokyo and was always somewhere else. Because they usually don't have much time to do private traveling and don't know when they'll have a vacation, this might have been the first time in her life that she was able to properly enjoy a trip. She also brings up how they usually have travel plans taken care of for them (when they travel for concerts) by travel agents and such, so this was her first time doing all of this herself. She had to do stuff like rent a pocket Wi-Fi and such. She says that she had so much fun taking these trips that she thought she was going to die. The others laugh at this. MAMI mentions how she invited TOMO to go to a parfait place that they like and she brought her a bunch of souvenirs. TOMO had said she had gotten back the day before and will be leaving again tomorrow. TOMO says that MAMI had invited her at a good time.

•HARU says that contrary to TOMO's packed schedule, she spent a very relaxing time at home. She did travel once, and also went to Mie with her mom. She's been going to Toba Aquarium on family trips since she was little and so is familiar with the aquarium, and recently videos of the sea otters there have been going viral on social media. HARU really wanted to go see them again and found them so cute that she watched them for about two hours. She says that the reason why the otters started doing the stuff they're going viral for is for the keepers to check their health, like if they're able to move parts of their body normally or if they feel well or not. RINA says that it's comforting to hear they weren't taught that to make humans happy. TOMO asks HARU if they stayed in Toba. HARU says they did. TOMO asks if there were a lot of stalls, like ones selling grilled oysters, set up in front of Toba Station. HARU says that there were. MAMI wonders if it's because it's near the sea. TOMO says yes, and that there are lots of places that sell seafood caught that day and grill them on the spot, which makes it so much fun to visit those places. It was in fact so much fun for her that she delayed her return train. HARU says she probably did the opposite schedule from TOMO where she went to Toba first and then to Ise (also in Mie) the next day, and then went back home. TOMO says that she was in Toba for 2 days. MAMI goes, "In front of the station?", which they all laugh at. RINA asks TOMO what she ate. TOMO says she ate spiny lobster, grilled oysters, clams.

•Next, they read messages from listeners who sent in messages for the new segment to celebrate the release of their album, titled "Queen of LUMINOUS," or "Quminous" for short. HARU reads a message from a listener who says that her family's "Quminous" is her mother Sacchan. She mentions things like how there are three daughters and they usually listen to their parents' complaints, but when Sacchan gets a little tipsy, she gets a little pouty and says stuff like, "Is it my fault?" and then falls asleep. She asks SCANDAL if they can award Sacchan, who is always working hard, the Quminous Award. The band laughs and MAMI goes, "Were we giving out awards?" TOMO says that it's not that kind of segment. HARU wonders if they'll make an award later. They say that Sacchan sounds lively and joke that they'll give her the award. Ono says they can send her a pouch, which they agree on.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who also writes about their mom. They hadn't been able to return home for a while due to the pandemic and such, but had finally been able to do so for the year-end holidays and was reunited with their family for the first time in about 5 years. They told their mom that they had been having fun going to SCANDAL's concerts, and she asked them to tell her about SCANDAL's next album. When they gave her a copy of the Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto single, she listened to it every day in the car and now supports SCANDAL. The band says that makes them happy to hear that fans are starting conversations like that.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener whose short Quminous story is about their wife who is ridiculously good at making tamagoyaki (rolled egg) and calls her the Tamagoyaki Queen. The taste, the shape, the color all look like ones found at an izakaya, and frankly, they are even better than the ones served at restaurants. The listener says that, by the way, they're the Chawanmushi (steamed egg custard) Minister The band laughs at how this couple's all about eggs. TOMO says that telling someone something like what the listener mentioned would definitely make them happy. They say that the Tamagoyaki Queen and Chawanmushi Minister sound really cute. TOMO says they'll give them an egg award. There's a pause before MAMI goes, "...egg?" They laugh and say they don't have that kind of award.

•They then close out the episode. HARU asks the others how it was to record an episode after so long. RINA says that it went by in a flash, which they all agree with. HARU says that it always feels like that, though. MAMI says that they conversed like they usually do. RINA says it felt good to talk and have things feel fresh.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here.

I've updated the guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 AtNT0wux_t Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 W8YA0tQE_t

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup

Candids - 2024-02-15 (RINA) - Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:50 pm


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Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-15-19-38-rina12

The deadline for pre-ordering
Collaboration items is tomorrow〜✓

If you miss this chance,
You won't be able to get these items anymore, so check them out〜!

By the way,
These are the TOP 3 items!

\ NO.1 - Short-sleeve shirt /

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-15-19-38-rina13

\ NO.2 - Back print sweatshirt /

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-15-19-38-rina14

\ NO.3 - Sweatpants /

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-15-19-38-rina15

They can all be worn and used for a long time✓
And yet I think there's a relaxed aspect to them as well

The band members recommend
Wearing both the sweatshirt and sweatpants
As a matching set!

I personally recommend
The cropped t-shirt and sweatpants!

The bag and cap that are set at relatively affordable prices
Are also cute✓
The band also got them
To use in our personal lives◎
Please use this as a reference if you like〜!


2024-02-15 19:38:08

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: Candids - 2024-02-15 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 472

Press DAY - 2024-02-13 (RINA) - Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:22 pm

Press DAY

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 O1080108015401115189

Press for the album has also begunー!

We often have familiar interviewers
Handle the interviews,
And it always makes me really happy
When there are moments I feel
That they really empathize
With the band's story
And delve into it.

I enjoy listening to what the other members talk about
Because I don't get to hear
The detailed songwriting process during production.
It's interesting to hear their answers.

Looks like there will be
More good photos and articles published,
So please look forward to them✓

We worked hard today too〜!
I feel accomplished〜!


2024-02-13 19:54:48

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: Press DAY - 2024-02-13 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 471
Their first long vacation in 18 years! What did each member do??

Season 2, Episode 46 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 4KVCq831_o

HARUNA: This time... It's been a month since we recorded for "Catch up"??

RINA: That's right. Not since the end of last year. It's been quite a while.

TOMOMI: We recorded a surprisingly large amount of episodes at the end of the year.

RINA: Yes, we recorded several rounds of three episodes.

HARUNA: Yeah, we recorded about two months worth. That's why we said "Happy New Year" in December. The reason for this is that SCANDAL took a whole month off in January.

RINA: That was a first. It was the first time we took such a long break.


RINA: I'm grateful.

HARUNA: We've been at this for 17 years, so we took this opportunity to take a little vacation, and each of us decided to do something we liked for a month... Let's talk about how we spent the month.

RINA: What did you guys do?

MAMI: I went to Sanrio Puroland about once every three days.


RINA: What a crazy pace...

MAMI: I also went to Harmonyland in Oita with my mother. Or rather, my main reason was to go to Harmonyland.

RINA: Your long-cherished wish...?

MAMI: Yes, my long-cherished wish.

RINA: You did mention that. Was that your first time going?

MAMI: No, it was my third time.

HARUNA: You've been there quite a bit.

MAMI: It was a day trip. We took the plane at 6 am and came back at 7 pm. This was probably my second trip to Oita Prefecture where I wanted to do some proper sightseeing, The first time I went to Beppu, and this time I went to Yufuin.

TOMOMI: Sounds great!

RINA: Did you go to an onsen?

MAMI: That's right. Also, I think I got sculpted gel nails for the first time in my life.

TOMOMI: You play the guitar, so you can't usually do that.

MAMI: Yeah, I can't. Now they're all removed and shortened. When your nails are cute, you get really excited.

HARUNA: That's right.

MAMI: The moment you hand something to someone or hand them something, a conversation is born into this world, like, "Your nails are cute!" It was my first time experiencing that. I was so pumped.

TOMOMI: It's nice, isn't it?

HARUNA: I grew my nails a little longer, too.

MAMI: You grew them longer??

HARUNA: I grew them longer than usual.

RINA: Did you do your nails?

HARUNA: Yes, I did them myself.

TOMOMI: Nice... I can't grow mine at all. I cut them right away.

MAMI: I had my nails taken off at the place where I had them done, and I told the tech, "Thank you so much. I can't believe how happy it made me..." I told her everything I was feeling, and then she took them off.

TOMOMI: You sound like a first-year gyaru.

HARUNA: We all took trips, right?

RINA: We did. I went to Kyoto with my sister, and we went to an Italian restaurant next to the five-story pagoda, where you can eat while looking at it. It's really cool; the interior is Western style, but the view is cool Japanese style. That contrast is wonderful. Chihara Junior went there with Yuichi Kimura (both comedians). It's a creative Italian restaurant, but it's not exactly Italian. It's all a little different. We ate a course there and then relaxed at a ryokan (Japanese inn).

Support - 2024-02-10 (RINA) - Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:19 am


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-10-15-04-rina1

We're entering the promotion period
For the album✓
We recorded for TV yesterday!
I'll let you guys know about it later〜

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-10-15-04-rina2

Samples of the CDs were also finishedー!
With the Blu-ray+Merch Edition,
The shimmering holo that changes depending on the angle
Is exquisitely pretty and perfect - It's amazing.
In this era of streaming, we're making the physical CDs with great care
In terms of both appearance and content
So that those who buy them can enjoy them as much as possible✓

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-10-15-04-rina3

Ah! Also, I've gotten a lot of DMs
Asking where you can get my photo card,

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 2024-02-10-15-04-rina4

And it seems like you can get them here✓
Please use this as a reference if you like!
Thank you♡


2024-02-10 15:04:51

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: Support - 2024-02-10 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 489
【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 45

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 XbQPSqzb_o
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 S8EeJy69_o

•The episode starts with this.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener whose message was read during Episode 156 where she asked the band whether she should be happy with the person she loves, or the person who loves her. She's sent in this message because there's been some progress, but says that she's not in a relationship with either guy. MANIA-kun had come to Kansai to visit her and then came again for SCANDAL's unlimited UTOPIA tour, though they didn't attend the concert together. They kept in touch after that, but his social media profile happened to be recommended to her and the difference between that and how he is in real life was so drastic that it kind of woke her up and made her feel uncomfortable. She thought that if she kept contacting him, she might get his hopes up, so she deliberately reduced the frequency of her replies. Even so, she felt sorry for being unable to respond to his feelings, which outweighted how happy she was that he was thinking of her. She just told him that she'd see him if there was another concert and then stopped contacting him. She had made plans to hang out with the other guy she likes on the day of SCANDAL's signing event in Tokyo, and afterwards he accompanied her to the venue. She was planning on confessing her feelings when they parted, but in the end she didn't have the courage to do so and they remain friends to this day. As time went by, she thought that she could have a better relationship with him as a friend rather than a lover. She says that there may come a day when she'll regret this decision, but it was one she made after much consideration so she'll enjoy her single life to the fullest so that she doesn't regret it. The band talks about the social media aspect and that, for example, you'd be really excited after a concert and that could come across in your posts. They say that it's important how you use social media, though it's okay to just be yourself. There's nothing wrong with there being a big difference between your online and offline personalities, and that it's a matter of compatibility. They thank the listener for sending in an update.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who is sending a "just between you and me" type of message from something that happened when they attended a SCANDAL concert a few years ago. They say that they were front row on MAMI's side and was raising their hand during one of the songs when a hair strand of MAMI's, who was whipping her hair around, floated into their hand (TOMO: "That's scary!"). They say that since they attend concerts solo, they haven't had a chance to tell other fans about this incident, which is why they're sending in this message. MAMI goes, "You don't really need to mention this story!" They all laugh. TOMO wonders if the fan took home the strand. MAMI says (or hopes, more like it) that they probably threw it away. Ono states that the listener is a woman. The band is surprised at how the listener was able to notice the single strand of hair and wonder if it was illuminated by the lighting. They say that MAMI's hair is pretty easy to see, especially when it's blonde. TOMO says that she thought there'd be a scary story that followed, which they all laugh at. MAMI says sorry and thanks for finding it, while TOMO says congratulations. MAMI then says that she has no idea what to say to this. RINA laughs and says it's an odd feeling. Ono says that this message was sent in as part of the "secret conversations" message theme for the live broadcast.

•RINA reads the next message from a listener who says that their secret is that they dress up like a woman. They started doing their own makeup about six years ago but couldn't imagine going out like that. Once they went out wearing a mask, they gained a strange confidence because most people weren't concerned about it, especially those who were looking at their phones. Since they started growing their hair out, switching from a wig, they've been wearing women's clothes to SCANDAL concerts. They went to SCANDAL's signing in Osaka in a t-shirt, skirt, and sandals after much deliberation. RINA thanked them for wearing a "SHE IS A WAVE" shirt and said that it looked nice on them. When they told RINA that they were a guy, she looked them straight in the eye and said "Oh? That's great!" They were so happy that they were tearing up. They still feel guilty for dressing up as a woman but still want to continue doing so. RINA says that she remembers them. HARU says she does as well. RINA says that they don't get to talk much to each fan due to limited time, but she was really happy that they told her that, and she thought it was really wonderful that a fan was truly living their life the way they want to. HARU says that she thinks people can express themselves however they like to. MAMI says that she really loves the YouTuber Himenii who also dresses up like a woman and that they're really cute. She says that Himenii says that cross-dressing is the best thing that only men can do, which she thinks is true. RINA says that the reverse is also true, where there are many women who like things that only guys are supposed to like. That's also something that she thinks is totally fine. She mentions that they often get DMs and fan letters about things like this, and she wants to tell all of these people that it's totally fine. TOMO says that it's the most wonderful thing when you live your life faithfully to what you love.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener who is sharing an embarrassing story that he experienced in middle school. One morning in his first year of middle school, he was riding the train as usual when he noticed a slightly scary high school boy staring at him. They had grown up watching lots of drama series so they figured that they couldn't look away because the boy would see that he was scared and would take advantage of him. When he didn't look away, the high schooler started slowly making his way towards him. He thought he would get beaten up like in dramas, but instead the high schooler whispered to him that his fly was open. That was what he was trying to communicate to the listener. The listener realized that it was in fact open and felt like he wanted to just disappear. TOMO says that was a good story and that both boys were really cute. HARU says that you do get pretty nervous when someone stares at you like that and you wonder if you did something. MAMI says all the more when it's someone older than you.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here.

I've updated the guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 AtNT0wux_t Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 W8YA0tQE_t

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup
Giving away more and more newly created program pouches!

Season 2, Episode 45 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 UnvsUHM

HARUNA: So, this time...we'll just be reading messages!


This is my first time sending a message.

For Christmas, it's become an annual event for me to go to SCANDAL's concert. After the concert, I stay over with my SCANDAL friends, exchange gifts for things I don't need, and spend Christmas basking in the afterglow of the concert. I had a long history of unrequited love and had not had a significant other for several years, so I had forgotten the concept of Christmas.

The 24th of one such year was also a regular event with my usual friend group. A week before the 24th, a good friend of mine called me and asked me when I was free. I replied that I was going back to my parents' house at the end of the year, so I was only free on the 25th and 26th, and I could hang out on either of those days. He then suggested that I go to Yomiuriland on the 25th with a male friend, and we agreed to go.

Since I was staying over with my friend group that day, I was a little late and headed there with my big luggage. However, I had forgotten that it was Christmas, so there were many people at the bus stop of the nearest station. I had no choice but to walk there with my big luggage in the cold. As a result, I was very late.

I managed to meet up with my male friend and we walked around the park, but it was so cold and snowy that we couldn't ride many attractions because of the huge number of people.

When it was time to leave the park, my male friend suggested we take the long way around. On the way to the exit, my male friend said he wanted to talk to me. I answered, "What is it?" and my male friend suddenly confessed to me with a serious look on his face, "I like you. Please go out with me."

I had never imagined he'd say that to me, so I was surprised and said, "What? Are you serious?" In my head, I was like, "What's going on?"

As I mentioned at the beginning, I had no concept of Christmas at that time, and my male friend wasn't my type, so we just hung out as friends. So I never thought he would confess his feelings for me.

I heard later that he seemed to think it was a good idea to do this on Christmas day and was planning on confessing his feelings, but when I had been very late and when I started talking about my ideal type when we started talking about love, he realized that I had no interest in him and hesistated to confess.

However, as a result, on December 25th of this year, I will have been dating him for two years.

It's probably something normal people would understand, but I was horribly insensitive to it, so it was a slightly embarrassing story about Christmas.

Also, the 24th of this year will be my 9th Christmas with SCANDAL. Of course, I will be there again this year with my friend group! I'm looking forward to it!

All: Thank you very much!

RINA: They wrote this before coming to the concert.

HARUNA: They did.

RINA: Thank you.

TOMOMI: So on that day they decided to start dating?

RINA: Two years ago, yeah. That's amazing. I guess that's what they like about them, too. It's a special day, but you don't have to be conscious of it--there's a sense of freedom. Just enjoying each other's company as friends. I think that's wonderful.

HARUNA: But certainly, if someone said they were free on the 25th, you might be a little nervous.

RINA: Yeah, you'd be like, "It's Christmas; is that okay?"

HARUNA: That's great that they've been together for two years and have spent nine Christmas concerts with us.

MAMI: Thank you very much.

RINA: Thank you. I wish you happiness.

HARUNA: Please come to a concert with him.

MAMI: Is this worthy of a pouch?

HARUNA: Shall we give them a pouch?

RINA: Let's give it to them!

HARUNA: Then we'll give it to Ruka.

TOMOMI: The first "Catch up pouch" - how commemorable!

HARUNA: We'll give them a "yogurt pouch"!

RINA: So cuteー

HIGHSPEED - 2024-02-04 (RINA) - Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:23 am


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 RnlVGMD

The song "Fanfare"
That will be on our next album
Will be the ending song for the anime
"HIGHSPEED Étoile" that'll air starting in April.

I'm so happy
That we're being seen for who we are now
And were able to be involved in this precious work!
It's a speedy, cheerful song.
I'm also looking forward to when it airs♡

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 Wdn4znU

When the anime starts airing in the spring
Is also when our tour will start✓

We're looking forward to traveling around the country
And enjoying music with everyone,
And we'll do our best to prepare for it!
We're coming up with
All kinds of new things that we'd like to try〜

I'm sure there are many of our fans
Who are in the midst
Of major life changes,
And it's getting difficult for them
To spend their time
Going to concerts.
So when it seems like you're able to make it,
Let's make it even more special
Than ever before

Tours end in a flash, no matter how many performances are on one.
We'll put our hearts into each and every one!

The fastest preorder for tickets has started,
So please take advantage of this opportunity.
Those who haven't seen us in a long time are also very welcome to come out( ◜ᴗ◝ )


2024-02-04 19:06:52

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: HIGHSPEED - 2024-02-04 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 312

Summary - 2024-02-03 (RINA) - Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:55 pm


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 MA4jsYp

Detailed info about our album
Is being released one after another☑
So excitinggg〜

First up
Are the different types of covers!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 1V5q599

They were made from scratch with a glass-like texture
Based on a motif of a floating jellyfish that emits its own light,
And all four covers
Really turned out nice☑

Only the Blu-ray+Merch Edition was designed
With glittery holographic overlay
To make it look even more gorgeous and sparkly◎

We had a really tough time
Choosing the right kind of holo,
But it was fun to make while thinking about it!〜!

Inside the Blu-ray+Merch Edition are:

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 Esp4T2P

A long-sleeve T-shirt, 4-cut photo strips, a Blu-ray of a few music videos!
A bunch of stuff!

We've also summarized
All of the external bonuses and pre-order bonuses☑
We made a lot of them, so I hope you can choose the ones you like
And enjoy them!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 Iv4drAz

The titles of the songs and their credits.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 YYOrqVG
*Translated tracklist

11 songs we put all our heart and soul into
On our 11th album!

Please place an order and look forward to them!♡


2024-02-03 13:50:47

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: Summary - 2024-02-03 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 533

FBTK × ZOZO - 2024-02-02 (RINA) - Sat Feb 03, 2024 7:15 am


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 EOLE4Dz


By which I mean
Collaboration items with FEEDBACK,
Our apparel brand that we produce,
And ZOZO have been completed!
So happyー!!!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 BglO7Kd

After many meetings,
We came up with black-based designs that are easy to wear and suitable for everyone,
And have silhouettes that can be worn not only to concerts
But also as everyday wear.
They're clothes that'll lift your spirits
And give you a bit of confidence.
That's what we aimed to do.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 CLfXEhy

We asked ZOZOTOWN's designers
To create nice designs
Based on the materials that the four of us put together
Using many words and images

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 GP2vcwn

We'd be happy
If each recipient could enjoy wearing these
In their own unique way.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 V4Ls6a5

The matching sweatshirt and sweatpants
Are made of a relaxed material,
But their designs make them suitable
For wearing them outside,
And were finished really nicely...!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 AxscxGZ

These seem to be especially popular!
If you're unsure what to get,
I recommend getting this set

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 A92xasz

I think it'd be cute
To pair with with Dr. Martens or heavy boots
Like this!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 LYriDvp

And at live music clubs all year round.
We also made a bunch of T-shirts
That can be used whenever you want...!

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 X5U0JiO

We also have cropped ones for ladies.
They're cut to just the right length
To show a glimpse of skin when you move,
So try them out

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 A5NqhuL

We asked them to sell the tops and bottoms separately
So that you can mix and match them
In various ways

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 FdbUZpV

This squishy cushion-like design
Is really cute, too

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 D9tEkn7

It'd be nice to be matching
With friends or partners

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 4gwi3xg

There are many photos
Of various combinations online.
You can also see photos of how they look on men,
So please take a look!

Pre-orders start today!

Be sure to get your hands
On this special collaboration series
Packed with attention to detail


2024-02-02 20:16:24

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: FBTK × ZOZO - 2024-02-02 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 431

【one piece】 one piece Translations - Fri Feb 02, 2024 1:00 am

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 Bv-JEg-KSCIAAPlx8

All translations for RINA's First Personal Book 「one piece」 that came out back in 2014 are now up!

And apologies if anyone's been waiting 10 years for these to be completed lol

one piece - Table of Contents


START - 2024-02-01 (RINA) - Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:15 pm


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 3 M8PydzE

Long time no blog!
In January, we took our first long vacation
And I used the entire month for myself✓

If this had been a little while ago,
I would have been scared
To take such a long break,
But now, I feel the importance, beauty, and necessity
As a human being
Of living a leisurely life,
Which is a very fresh choice in itself.

Having time to live
Without worrying about the next day,
I thought,
"Well, what do I want to do?"
And I ended up watching as many movies
And reading as many books as I wanted,
Going to comedy shows, traveling,
Eating home-cooked food at the proper time.
I was already mostly satisfied
Just by filling up on things I've always loved.

Then, I worked hard
To finish the things I had been putting off
And got closer to clearing the problems I had been stuck on,
And once in a while I'd go out at night to my heart's content.
I also spent some time in Kansai.
These were some very good days.
It was a blissful time to meet only the people I wanted to meet
And listen to their life stories,
And I had a lot of fun driving as well as partaking in alcohol.

I lived my life constantly plugged into a charger haha

By doing so,
I felt a sense of wonder
As my foggy feelings began to clear up,
I was able to decide things I had been unsure about,
And things started moving forward on their own.

We start working again as of today.
Since I didn't post on my socials
Despite a lot of fun things being announced in January,
Please let me write about them in order✓
They're all things that were created with great care

Many things have happened
Since the beginning of this year,
And I, too, have a feeling that I can't put into words.
I would like
To express myself fully this year
So that I can deliver something sparkling
While also cherishing my time.

After writing for the first time in a while,
It seems like the water that had been dammed up has started flowing out.
In 2024, let's store up some glitter.


2024-02-01 21:28:58

Posted in: Blog 2024  Topic: START - 2024-02-01 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 439

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