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Misato Koide of Good By Gloomy
Posted Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:23 am



International Performer
International Performer
City Pop is a very popular subgenre in Japan from the late '70s to the mid '80s. It's an amalgamation of funk, jazz, soul, and later on some new wave. If you have noticed that Youtube has been constantly recommending retro classic City Pop tubes particularly, "Plastic Love" by Mariya Takeuchi and "Stay with Me (Mayounaka no Door)" by the late Miki Matsubara. After listening to those songs, I got instantly hooked! 

When I was checking out covers of those songs on Youtube, I immediately found a video of a street performer (more of to promote her CDs) posted in Summer of 2018. That cover is made by a 28-year-old singer named Misato Koide, 1/2 of the pop music duo Good By Gloomy. Her voice is powerful, more suitable for R&B than rock. Her version of Stay With Me is quite remarkable, if not as close as the original. I wonder why either she or her group hasn't been signed by any record labels despite of being in the music industry for almost ten years. Perhaps, her direction isn't going towards the same as the likes of Yui, LiSA, and even Miwa.

Last January, she became a subject of controversy two months ago when a man bought a copy of her CD and immediately destroyed it. The video was also both on Twitter and later on, Youtube. It's really sad every time I encounter an artist being humiliated in the public. Misato abruptly gained sympathy and considerable following from both domestic and international J-pop fans afterwards. It seems that her story is like the J-pop version of Rocky Balboa.

Please read the article published the Philippine Daily Inquirer for more info:
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Please check out both Good By Gloomy as well as her own Youtube channels. Do you guys think if Misato and Good By Gloomy deserves to secure a good deal from a major or independent label?

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