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Nike sneakers are so cute ⊂(^ω^*)⊃

RINA here(σ ̄∀ ̄)σ

We had a shoot in the morning today★!
Nike sneakers are so cute ⊂(^ω^*)⊃
Everyone! Let's wear Nike sneakers\(^O^)/hahaっ
Match with SCANDAL(^ω^*)〜♪ haha

Nike sneakers are so cute ⊂(^ω^*)⊃ - 2008-11-15 (RINA) Dfzzq9Y Nike sneakers are so cute ⊂(^ω^*)⊃ - 2008-11-15 (RINA) 61eJVnT Nike sneakers are so cute ⊂(^ω^*)⊃ - 2008-11-15 (RINA) 4Oi4ElG Nike sneakers are so cute ⊂(^ω^*)⊃ - 2008-11-15 (RINA) QYaqDeW

So, after the shoot we did an interview and took pictures・・・
Recorded comments, autographed stuffヾ(..—..)ノ

We had quite a tight schedule today, but it was fun(..^ω^`)

We're recording tomorrow(σ^Д^..)
We'll be doing vocals!!!!!
I want everyone to hear it soonヽ(..・ω・..)
We'll do our best, so look forward to it! Later!

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Nike sneakers are so cute ⊂(^ω^*)⊃ - 2008-11-15 (RINA) 39iLxaW

2011.7.3 AM2 2012.3.28 SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN 11.3+4 QAT Tour @名古屋 11.10 Happy MUSIC Live 2012 2013.3.3 SCANDAL OSAKA-JO HALL 2013 2014.6.1 HNL Ekiden & Music 2014 6.2 Fan Meeting 2015 HELLO WORLD @ Paris - London - Essen - Chicago - MEX - LA - Anaheim 2016.1.12+13 PERFECT WORLD 5.21 Welcome Fan Meeting 5.22 HNL Ekiden & Music 2016 5.23 Farewell Fan Meeting 8.21 SCAFes 2017.7.14 47 Prefecture Tour @ 茨城 - 水戸 - 東京 2018 Special Thanks @NY - SF - Anaheim - MTY - MEX - Dallas 2022 MIRROR @Toronto - NY - Boston - Atlanta 2023 UU @ 福岡 - 東京 08.21 Sekai Ichi 2024 LUMINOUS @ 名古屋 - 横浜 - 大阪 - 奈良
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